Mama Diaries

Friday, August 5, 2011

A Little Pad of Butter

Our ten-month-old German Shepherd has a very bad habit of counter surfing.  He is always jumping up and pulling stuff off of it.  This week he has eaten a sponge, a bag of sunflower seeds, and some orange juice.

Tonight he topped it all.  There was a container of Smart Balance Butter on the table.  I hadn't quite finished cleaning up after dinner, when I had to go upstairs for something.  Five minutes later, I came down and found an empty butter container on the floor next to the dog.  Yes, he had eaten every last bit of the nearly-full container of butter.

Needless to say, the pooch got banished to his crate.  I can't wait to see exactly how the dog is going to expel that product from his body.  

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