Monday, March 5, 2018


If you have school-age kids, you know how crazy it can be in the morning, trying to get them ready for school. After breakfast, my teenage son always wants to crawl back into bad for an extra fifteen minutes of sleep. Usually, he wakes up in time and gets to the bus stop. The other day, he did not.

"Mom, can you drive me to the bus stop?"

I had just put the last hot roller in my hair, and was getting ready to apply my makeup. I had to be out the door for a meeting in less than thirty minutes. "Dude, seriously?"

"Yeah. I'm not going to make it if we don't go now."

I sighed. I didn't want to take the rollers out, because the hair wouldn't have had time to curl properly. I ran out of the bathroom and grabbed my purse and keys. "Fine. Let's go."

Of course, he missed the bus, which meant I had to drive him to school wearing no makeup and sporting hot rollers in my hair. Not a pretty sight.  "This is so not cool!" I complained.

Bubba laughed. "You look great, Mom!"

I frowned. Then I spotted a police man, parked, waiting to nab speeders. I won't say what I thought, but it was about as nice as I looked. I frantically started pulling the rollers out of my hair, and managed to get all but the back ones out. At least if he had seen me from the side and front, I'd have looked normal. I figured it would have been just my luck to get stopped looking like such a disaster. Fortunately, my speed didn't activate his radar. I put on a pair of sunglasses, and hoped my funky hair-do wouldn't attract too much attention.

It didn't. I dropped the boy off to school without anyone giving me any funny looks. I also got home and did my makeup and hair properly, so that when I went out again, I was no longer a mom-tastrophe.

Have any of you ever had a similar experience?

Before I go, I'd like to share a book trailer for my newest book, Don't Feed the Elephant. If you haven't already seen it, it features animation of some of the illustrations, and a narration done by me. The trailer was produced by epublishingeXperts who illustrated the book. 


  1. The trailer is great!
    At least the cop didn't catch you.

  2. Hi, Sherry!

    You have a very pleasing voice for narration. I wouldn't mind listening to you read the telephone directory cover to cover. :) I hope your new book for children, Don't Feed The Elephant, is a success.

    When I was Bubba's age I always tried to crawl back into bed for a few extra minutes on school days, especially on cold winter mornings up in Pennsylvania.

    Have a great week, dear friend Sherry!

    1. Thanks for your nice compliment! I'm not sure I'd want to read the telephone directory cover to cover, though. :)

  3. Sometimes, I miss the years of having a houseful of kids... both ours and others... but I've NEVER missed those hectic getting-ready-for-school mornings. Retirement leisure is much less stressful. :)

    My biggest memory of a similar experience to yours didn't involve me... it was my mother. I was in high school... eleventh or twelfth grade, I can't remember which for sure. But the classes were holding open-house kinda opportunities for parents to sit in on classes with their children. My mother happened to be off of work that day, so she and my aunt surprised me by showing up in my chemistry class. My mother had a scarf wrapped around a headful of curlers. (But that was back in the Dark Ages, when it was common to see women wearing curlers just about everywhere you went. I was still rather embarrassed, I'm ashamed to say.)

    Great looking trailer!

    1. Yes, I remember a lot of women went out of the house with the curlers covered under some scarf or hat. Funny how that's become unacceptable these days!

  4. You reminded me of the time I had to make the emergency run to school so my son wouldn't be late. Synopsis: pink furry slipper, no make-up, coat over pj's and then a flat tire. I'm sure this happened on a Monday before some meeting I was supposed to run. Why not?

    1. Oh. Poor you. All that plus a flat tire! That was a bad Monday!

  5. A great trailer indeed.

    Bah, you should have hopped right out and walked him inside, embarrass him a bit for being late lol at least no ticket came.

    1. If I had the personality to not care what I looked like, that might have been funny. He'd probably be scarred for life, though!

  6. Ha, ha! Pardon me for laughing, but I can picture the scene. I also sense a story here.

    Nope, nothing that exciting happened to me taking my boys to school. Most of the time they walked., until we moved to the country. Still no exciting trips.

    1. That was a first for me. Usually, I leave my hair straight, but because I had to go somewhere, I thought I'd be a little more fancy. It figures!

  7. I'm sure you wouldn't have been the only one half dressed. I bet half the parents dropping off kids were still in pajamas.

    1. I'm sure a lot of them are in their pajamas. Heck, some of my students' moms come in their pajamas for Saturday morning lessons.

  8. I never had time to do my hair. But I used to have to get my daughter to high school at 5:45 am for swim practice and took her to the bus stop because it was dark out. I'm sure that I looked a fright.

    1. I've done early morning things like that. Not fun!

  9. What a great story, although it's one of those stories that is probably good when you're telling it much later than actually living through it :-)

  10. I love the book trailer. The animation adds a lot and the story line reminded me of the If You Give A Mouse A Cookie series. And boy, all those treats are making me hungry for sugar. But I know, you shouldn't feed the elephant, especially when the elephant is you!

    If I'm running behind on kid drop off, I sometimes wear my slippers in the car. Shhh! Don't tell.

    1. At least you're in the car and nobody can see your feet! LOL!

  11. OMGosh! This is too funny. Totally sounds like my life. No one ever sees me when I've actually gotten ready in the morning; I write from home. BUT when I'm in a hurry and 'just running out for a second' everyone I know sees me. LOL Love the trailer!

    1. That's always the way it goes. When you want nobody to see you, everyone does!

  12. Your story is too funny! I remember once having to go in the car, to drop off my brother at school and I was the one with curlers in my hair! LOL! Not fun! Long story! LOL!
    I love your trailer!! Fantastic! Congrats on the book! Love hearing your voice too!
    Big Hugs!

    1. I never thought I'd be the one with curlers in my hair! Life's embarrassing moments!

  13. As my nana always warned us never mind your hair and/or make up, just never leave the house wearing underwear on that you'd be ashamed to hang out on the clothes line.

    Loving the trailer. I'm hoping I'm able to share it on FB.

    1. That's good advice! Can't be caught in tattered underwear!

  14. Your story is so funny! Having caught once in my nightdress while dropping kids at school and a puncture tire, I learned my lesson!

    1. I do my very best not to go out in my pajamas (unless I'm doing a Pajama Party Story Time.) :)

  15. That trailer is so cute! How cool that you got to narrate it...

    1. Yes, it was fun to narrate it. The creator of the trailer asked for an MP4 with a short narration. I sent it, and he managed to create the video.

  16. I love that trailer, and what an adorable story :) sorry for my absence!!

    1. Glad that you're back! Hope everything has been okay.
