Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Team Spirit

As you know, my home team, the Atlanta Falcons, were in the Superbowl. (We are all heartbroken over their loss!) The week prior to the event, had the city in major celebration mode. Schools jumped on the bandwagon, too. Their festivities included a Team Spirit Day. Kids were allowed to dress up in Falcons jerseys, and decorate themselves in the Falcons' team colors.

When my boy came downstairs on the morning of the day of this big celebration, I had to do a double take. I hardly recognized him. He was dressed in a Falcons jersey, as expected.  But that was not all. His face was covered in red streaks, and he had red lines under his eyes (like the black lines football players place under their eyes). He also had red hair.

"Dude," I said. "What did you use to paint your hair and face with?"

He grinned. "Marker!"

Ugh!  Well, at least I found out it was the washable sort. And he ended up being photographed numerous times at school, so I'm sure his Falcons look will be caught forever in the school yearbook!


  1. He'll look back and laugh at it one day. At least you were able to clean him up.
    Yeah, unbelievable game. I'm still stunned the Patriots won.

  2. At least he didn't dye his hair!


  3. Phew, thank goodness, it wasn't permanent marker.

  4. Replies
    1. Yes. And I'll definitely make sure it's the washable kind.

  5. That's good it was washable marker! It's a shame the Falcons lost, but it was an exciting and record-breaking game.

    1. It was a tense game. We enjoyed the first half. Not so much the second!

  6. Sounds like Bubba really got into the spirit of things. Glad it wasn't hard to clean up. Loved watching the game but so heartbroken at the final score. I really thought the Falcons were going to pull it off this time. :(

  7. Hi, Sherry!

    How cool of the school to get into the team spirit along with the kids and the community! It's a good thing Bubba didn't use permanent marker to paint himself red. :) Sorry your team lost and Bubba couldn't hose himself down with victory pop. :)

    Enjoy the rest of your week, dear friend Sherry!

    1. Yes. Well, on the positive side, since we didn't have a victory, I didn't have to worry about the mess an exploding two liter bottle of Coke would cause!

  8. not sure it should be a school event, but it ain't like anybody's asking me :)

    1. It had to be a school event. We like to party here!

  9. So sorry you couldn't celebrate a victory. But Bubba made the headlines with his creativity, as usual.

  10. I think you have a great son there Sherry. What a sense of humour.


  11. haha well at least it wasn't permanent spirit

  12. Marker! HAHA... I love kids, especially when they show sports enthusiasm.

  13. You can dye your hair with just markers, and it's not permanent? Your son has given me terrible ideas for next football season.

  14. Marker and paint works every time. At least he dressed up for the game in style!

  15. Thank goodness it was marker! A common thing people use is Koolaid, which NEVER comes out. Every time I decide to take red out of my hair, I go to a hair dresser and they panic about what I used. Probably 6 different people have told me about kids doing it!

    1. I wouldn't use Koolaid just because I'd be afraid of having bees buzz around me all the time.

  16. He definitely has spirit! Glad the marker was washable and that it was caught on film. :)

    1. I can't wait to see the pictures in the yearbook!

  17. I am sure he was disappointed as was so many people in Georgia at the outcome. I really wanted the Steelers to be in the Superbowl again, but I might have had to move temporary to SC if that had happened! :)

    1. He couldn't believe it. We thought the Falcons had the game wrapped up in the first half.

  18. He has the right spirit to cheer for his team!

  19. Oh my gosh Sherry, when you said marker, I thought oh no... thankfully it could be washed off... awesome team spirit on his part xox
