Friday, August 9, 2024

Summer Travels


Yes, I know. Late again. I simply lost track of time because I've been having too much fun. More about that later. 

The question of the month is "Do you use AI in your writing?" My question of the month is, "Did we have this question not too long ago?" 😎 I've attempted to use AI in my efforts to write a blurb for my book. But I didn't like what it produced, so I ended up writing my own. My opinion is that AI is good for giving you ideas for what to write, but the human brain is better at writing something more appropriate. I will say AI is good for flowery writing. Some of the adjectives it spews out are impressive. LOL!  Do you use AI?  If so, what do you think about it?

Summer vacation is over now, but I'd have to say, I did a lot of cool things this summer. Here are a few of the places I've been:

    On top of Brasstown Bald—the highest point in Georgia.  Beautiful views of 3 states:  Georgia, Tennessee, and North Carolina!

Hanging at the Georgia Aquarium on my birthday. They have a very large whale shark. It's the only whale shark in an aquarium in the USA. Very cool to see it!

Here's Pothole Falls in Highlands, North Carolina. I'm actually standing on the stone that is at the corner of three states! 

Did you do anything fun this summer?