Thursday, January 12, 2017

The Polar Bear Club

Yesterday, my son informed me that he had joined the Polar Bear Club at school.

The immediately conjured up images of my boy in swim trunks jumping into a frigid body of water. "You did what?" I asked.

"I joined the Polar Bear Club."

"What exactly do you do in the Polar Bear Club?"

"We go outside for recess when it's cold outside, and everybody else stays inside."

For those of you who don't know, I live in Georgia, where it doesn't get very cold. We're talking an average winter temperature of 45 degrees. "You're telling me that you don't go out for recess when it's less than 50 degrees unless you're a member of the Polar Bear Club?"

He nodded. "That's right."

Wow. Fifty degrees is warm by my winter standards. (I'm from Cleveland, Ohio.) I think I'd even join the Polar Bear Club and wear shorts and a t-shirt outside!  

(But I don't think I'd do this:)


  1. Hi, Sherry!

    Bubba seems to have Polar Bear Club confused with Panda Cub Club. :) The people in the vid got it right, except for the two girls who chickened out.

    I heard about a ritual performed by brave souls at the South Pole. It's called The 300 Club. They strip down, sit in a steamy sauna set at 200 degrees, then run outdoors where the temperature is -100 degrees, thus experiencing a swing of 300 degrees in a matter of seconds. Now THAT'S a Polar Bear Club! :)

    Have a nice Friday and weekend, dear friend Sherry!

    1. I am quite certain I would have been one of those two girls that chickened out!

  2. What Shady said. Fifty isn't cold. Below freezing is cold.

  3. Pfft that isn't cold indeed. I don't think I'd ever do the actual dip.

  4. I know I wouldn't join the polar bar club that takes dips in icy cold weather... as for what your son joined, I would go for that in an instant, I wouldn't even need a coat... lol

  5. oh, how we would love to see 50 degrees again!!
    temp is 13 degrees, right now, and that's somewhat of a heat wave. 50 degrees? on wow! if only!

  6. That's the first time I've heard of such club. But then again, I live in a tropical country. :)

  7. You wouldn't get anyone outside if it got below 50 during the day here. We're wimps. We know it.

    1. I think the blood thins out in warmer climates, making inhabitants less able to tolerate the cold.

  8. Great story Sherry, would your son join The Polar Bears Club where it's colder?


    1. Probably. He runs around wearing shorts in the winter.

  9. Down here, large groups of people think they are tough for going swimming at Tybee on New Years Day... The water is as warm as Lake Michigan and way warmer than Lake Superior in the summer!

  10. I could handle joining Bubba's type of Polar Bear Club but not the other. Having been born and raised in Georgia, I can't image taking a dip in icy water.

    1. I was born and raised in Ohio, and I still couldn't imagine taking a dip in icy water!

  11. I've always thought of joining the real polar bear club once, just for kicks. I swam in snow melt in Oregon once, and it was so cold it hurt! :)

  12. When I first stared reading this, I thought it was the other polar bear club. My mom said somebody dared her to go swimming in the winter and she did,but she wasn't part of the polar bear club. I'm glad Bubba's club isn't quite as adventurous.

  13. I've never experienced snow, so I'm always freezing when it's 45 degrees out. LOL.

    1. You've never experienced snow? Wow! You need to do that at least once in your life.

  14. I'm so used to living in hot climate that I would freeze in anything less than 50 deg.

  15. When we were both (very briefly) in Boy Scouts, they had the Polar Bear Badge, where you have to dive into freezing water in the middle of winter. Doing so wins you the badge. Neither of us did it, and you know what, 20-something years later neither of us regret that decision. At all.

  16. Nuts! However how fun! No desire to be apart of that club. Have a Great week!

  17. Brrr!! No Polar Bear Club for me. I prefer to stay indoors whenever possible when we have snow.
