Monday, April 30, 2018

Speedy Gonzales

In our neighborhood, there is a policeman who sits in his parked car for hours, waiting to catch speeders or people who roll through stop signs. (I was once a victim when I failed to make a complete stop at the sign. Now I'm very careful, because I know he's watching.)

Anyway, it seems that it's not only motorists that he watches, but cyclists. I don't know if this story is true, because I wasn't there to see it, but my son claims it is. He told me that his buddy got stopped by this policeman for riding too fast on his bicycle. The speed limit is 25 miles an hour. This kid was going almost 35 miles an hour. The policeman turned on his lights and followed the boy until he stopped.

I can imagine the conversation:

Policeman:  "Do you know you're riding too fast, son?"

Boy:  "No, sir. How fast was I going?"

Policeman:  "35 in a 25."

Boy:  "Cool!"

Policeman:  "Not cool. I'm giving you a $50 speeding ticket."

Boy:  "Dude..."

Policeman:  "That's 'sir' to you."

Boy:  "But, I don't even have a driver's license."

Policeman:  "If you keep driving like that, you'll never get one."  *hands ticket to the boy* "Pay it, or I'll see you in court."

Have you ever heard of a cyclist getting a ticket (adult or child) for going faster than the speed limit?

Before I go, I want to let you know that I'm a guest on Kitty Cat at the Library Blog talking about my upcoming book, Bubba and Squirt's Big Dig to China. Please stop by to learn about it and my writing process. 



  1. I'm sure you could get one for running a sign or light, but a kid speeding on a bike?

  2. Got to follow the rules of the road! That's the law. Humorous exchange between the two.

    I've already seen your interview. Very nice, indeed.

    1. Thanks for commenting on the other interview!

  3. I'd charge them double for calling a policeman a dude :P That kind of brattish behaviour doesn't work under my watch!

  4. Not a good day for a boy speeding on a bike Sherry,


  5. No way! Never heard of that!

    1. I thought that was a little crazy, too! My son says it's true, though.

  6. Got one for doing a rolling stop at a stop sign years ago too haha

    I've heard tell of them going after cyclists that weave in and out of traffic and such, but never a kid for going too fast.

  7. I did not know there was a speed limit for bikes. I didn't think bikes could go all that fast.

    1. They can, but usually when they're going down hill. I don't think I've ever gotten my bike that fast on a flat road.

  8. Hi, Sherry!

    I read your interview with Sue, dear friend. Congratulations!

    When Mrs. Shady rolls up to a stop sign, her idea of "stopping" is to reduce her speed to 50 mph or less. :) I never heard of getting a ticket for riding a bicycle too fast. Seems that traffic cop is trying to fill a quota by handing out tickets like he's throwing confetti. What's next, he gives your dog Schultz a ticket for running too fast? :)

    Enjoy the rest of your week, dear friend Sherry!

    1. Just so you know, Sherry, I wrote a long comment and posted it on Sue's blog. It was there in print when I left but when I checked back a short time later it was gone! I emailed Sue and notified her that my comment might have been sorted to junk or spam and asked her to publish it for me. Maybe you could also poke her for me.

    2. I saw your thoughtful comment. Thank you! Mrs. Shady sounds a little like me. :)

  9. Gosh, no. I've never heard of a police officer giving a kid on a bike a ticket. Or even a warning about speed. Not wearing a helmet, now that I've heard kids being stopped for and told they need to wear one. BTW - I always love your posts. They are so kid refreshing.

    1. I can see stopping a kid for not wearing a helmet. I wonder if that was the real reason the kid was stopped.

  10. Where I live is a huge cycling town, and I've seen on the news lots of accidents because the cyclists don't follow the rules of the road. I do know cyclists get tickets, but a kid? Wow. (I think I would have went "cool!" too for learning how fast I was going!)

    1. The commenter above mentioned not wearing a helmet. I wonder if the kid was going that fast without a helmet and the policeman stopped him to talk about safety.

  11. What!? That's crazy. You know, that was one aspect I appreciated about living in NYC. The police all have important things to do rather than slapping people with speeding fines. At the same time, I suppose that's a little concerning, eh?

    1. I think the police around here don't have a lot to do except direct traffic at school zones and catch speeders. I've seen that policeman stay near that stop sign for four hours.

  12. In college, I remember cops ticketed cyclists all the time. If you've ever been hit by one as a pedestrian, you understand:)

  13. I don't suppose I've heard of cops ticketing cyclists for overspeeding.

    1. I haven't either. But if they're being unsafe, I could see being stopped.

  14. I have never heard of this! I think it's crazy!!

  15. I haven't heard of a cyclist getting a ticket for going too fast- but I would imagine it is possible. Not sure how fast people cycle...

    Very funny exchange though! It sounds realistic to me. :)

    1. I've gone 35 miles an hour, but that was going down a hill. I'm sure you could probably get it up to 45 miles an hour if you have a good bike and are in great shape.

  16. A cyclist getting a speeding ticket? Huh? Really?
    I'm off to check out your guest interview...
