Wednesday, May 1, 2024



Do you find yourself constantly distracted?  Does it take away from your writing time?  These are the questions for this month's IWSG post. Life is a giant distraction. Mostly it's work that takes me away from writing. My to-do lists are endless.  Seems like as soon as I check one item off the list, two more pop up! Can you relate?  I admire people who can actually carve out time each day to write. And people who write thousands of words a day? All I can say is WOW! 

When I do carve out some writing time, I make sure my phone is on silent. I don't want to hear the constant dinging of message alerts!  I also make sure I'm far away from anyone who might distract me. I write in solitude. 

Are distractions a problem for you? How do you deal with them?

Here's a distraction for you—a vacation to Virginia Beach! I went there to visit my son, Bubba, who's stationed there (in the Navy). He now has his own apartment. It seems like just yesterday he was chasing butterflies!

 And my last bit of news—the fourth book of the Bubba and Squirt series, Bubba and Squirt's Shield of Athena is coming out on May 7th! It went on vacation to Virginia Beach, too!


  1. Bubba grew up! Congratulations on the upcoming release.

  2. Yes, I can relate to the challenges of finding time to write when you work, have a family, and have a busy life in general. Congrats on your new release!

  3. Wishing you lots of success with your latest book release, Sherry! I can certainly relate to that expanding to do list. How lovely for you to spend time with your grownup Bubba! Happy May!

  4. Congrats on the upcoming release!

  5. I also admire people who are able to write every day. Congrats on the upcoming release!

  6. Hi, Sherry!

    I'm thrilled to be reconnected with you, dear friend!

    I love the cover of your new book with those creepy spiders. How exciting that the release date is rapidly approaching!

    I can hardly believe that Bubba is old enough to be in the Navy and living in a place of his own. For years, I enjoyed reading your accounts of his adolescent antics, misadventures and experiments gone awry. He seemed to me like Beaver Cleaver, and now he's all grown up.

    To answer this month's IWSG question, I am easily distracted by noises, music or conversation. Whenever I want to get some creative thinking and writing done, I sequester myself in a quiet room, usually the downstairs den that also serves as my office. At times, I put headphones on to muffle distracting sounds.

    Since moving north last summer, I have only been posting about once a month. I hope we I will stay in touch, because I have always valued our friendship. Please take good care of yourself until we meet again, dear friend Sherry!

    1. Yay! I"m thrilled to reconnect with you. Hope things are going well!

  7. Bubba's in the Navy? Man, I feel old now. Time flies.

  8. Feels like yesterday you were blogging about his childhood antics indeed.

    Life gets in the way indeed. If I decide to write though, I can get it done.

    1. You are one of the most prolific writers I know!

  9. Are you going to do a "Bubba Joins the Navy" book? Sounds like a nice trip and that's statue is something else.

  10. Children grow up while you're not looking, it seems.

  11. Looks like a great vacation, and awesome about your upcoming release! Grats!

    I keep looking at my kids, knowing they will soon be adults before I know it. My daughter is entering high school next year. Eeek!

    1. Pretty soon you'll be looking at colleges. Fun stuff!

  12. glad to hear about Bubba....
    # congratulation for new book..... good luck.

  13. Wow! and more Wow! I can’t believe Bubba is all grown up in his own apartment either! (fantastic statue btw)

    and congrats on the latest bubba and squirt — also amazed that you put out another one so quick!

    we’ll have to catch up next time we are in the same city at the same time!

    Tara Tyler Talks

    1. Sorry it didn't work out this month to get together, but definitely next time we'll do it!
