Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Favorite Writing Apps


Here's today's IWSG question:  What are your favorite writing processing (e.g. Word, Scrivener, yWriter, Dabble), writing apps, software, and tools? Why do you recommend them? And which one is your all time favorite that you cannot live without and use daily or at least whenever you write?

I use Microsoft Word. That's the only one I use. Honestly, I had no idea there were so many! I use Microsoft Word because it's easy and it has spellcheck. What about you? What do you use?

In other news, I visited my Mom in Iowa last week. It was her 75th birthday. My latest book, Bubba and Squirt's Shield of Athena is dedicated to her because she inspired my love of reading. I gave her a copy on her birthday. Here she is with it.

 She looks pretty good for 75, doesn't she?



  1. I use Word when translating books too, I did not even know until recently that there are programmes and software for translators, but I am not savy enough to use them.

    1. I didn't know Word could be used to translate books. Interesting!

    2. It does not translate books LOL I use it to write the translations in it LOL

  2. That is really awesome you visited your mom for her birthday. Bet she treasures the book.

  3. Happy Birthday to your mom! Happy Book!

  4. I use Word for the same reasons as you. Your mom looks fantastic.

    1. She certainly does! Both of my parents look great. Hopefully their good genes got passed on to me. :)

  5. Hi, Sherry!

    Like you and others, I rely on Word to assist me with my writing projects.

    I just realized that Shady Del Knight, aka "The Oldest Living Toddler," is old enough to be your father, seeing as how I am about the same age as your dear mother, a "49-er," turning 75 four months from now. I agree that she looks great. I notice that you both have what I would call "smiling eyes," a highly attractive feature. She must be very proud of her daughter, the prolific author and gifted musician.

    Yessum, it is nice to reconnect with you at least once a month. Here's hoping that Bubba and your daughter are well and in good spirits. Have a safe and restful Fourth. I look forward to catching up with you again next time, dear friend Sherry!

    1. Hi Tom! Both of my parents look terrific. My dad just turned 77. He looks maybe 58. Not old enough to be my dad. LOL! Thanks for the compliment. I agree that my mom has nice eyes. And yes, she's always smiling.

  6. Happy birthday to your mom. Word seems to be the favorite amongst all the blogs I've read today. Might as well keep with what works.

    1. I don't think I've met a writer who doesn't use Word.

  7. Like you, I only use Microsoft Word. Oh, Word plus living beta readers, of course... There's plenty that the program and my proofreading eyes still miss. Blessed are the betas.
    Your mom is beautiful.

    1. It's amazing how many times you can look at a manuscript and still miss things. Your brain seems to autocorrect.

  8. Happy Birthday, Mom! She looks great.

    Word is a great tool. I definitely use it when I'm prepping files to send to betas and critiquers.

    1. I agree my mom looks great. She takes good care of herself!

  9. Microsoft Word is the only one I use and the only one I've heard of. Stick with what is familiar . . . and works.

  10. I use Microsoft Word too....
    Happy birthday to your mom....

    1. She had a great birthday, and I'm so glad I was able to see her.

  11. Yep. Word is all I mostly use too. Hope your mom had a happy birthday.

  12. Happy birthday to your mom. I pretty much only use Word, too.

    1. It seems to be the app of choice among writers.

  13. Hope your mom had a great birthday. She looks fabulous! That's awesome that you gave a copy of the book that is dedicated to her. :)

  14. Awesome that you visited your mom. She looks fabulous. Happy belated birthday to her.

  15. Hope the birthday went great. Enjoy the summer. Hope you are well.

    1. Yep. Doing well. Super busy, but still enjoying the summer.
