Friday, November 21, 2014

School on Fire

It was quite a morning!  Not the usual routine of dropping my kid off  at school and cruising home.  When I went to my daughter's middle school, smoke was pouring out of the building.  The school was on fire!

"Get back in the car!" the principal was shouting.  "No drop offs!"

I was directed to a safe location, outside, where students and teachers were waiting.  My daughter exited the car with a pile of books and croissants (for her French class fete).  Of course the croissants spilled out of the package, onto the ground as she got out, adding to the chaos.

"Keep moving," one of the teachers instructed.  So I couldn't even stay to make sure she'd be okay.  The fire trucks screamed in as I left the school property.  I only hoped my daughter was in good hands!

Later, she called.  The administration had moved all the students into the nearby high school gymnasium.  The problem was an electrical fire due to construction at the school.  So now my daughter is sitting in a gym with about 800 kids.  I was going to pick her up, but she said she'd rather stay, since I wasn't allowed to bring her friends home, too.

On the bright side,  at least she has food, even if it is a little sprinkled with dirt!


  1. Five second rule!
    Wow, that was quite some excitement. Glad the kids are all right.

  2. That is an exciting morning! At least the kids are safe, and it'll be an experience she'll always remember!

    1. I'm glad everyone was safe, too. And I'm glad it happened before regular classes were in session!

  3. Don't you just know you'll be talking about this for a long time??

  4. Something all kids wish to see at some point lol glad no one was in there or hurt. First paper, now dirt, sure you're not trying to feed schultz lol

    1. My daughter fed them to the teachers. They were hungry, and apparently they didn't mind the dirt. ;0)

  5. good thing Bubba wasn't at school... we might have blamed him for the fire :)

    1. Bubba blamed for the fire? No! Why would anyone blame that sweet, adorable kid? ;0)

  6. Your daughter is considerate - staying with her friends.

    1. It was temporary. 15 minutes later, she called back, asking to be picked up. That was yet another story!

  7. That's scary! (Pssst! It's principal--I won't tell anyone that you spelled it wrong because sometimes I spel werds rong.)


    1. Holy %^&*@! Haha! Yeah. If I spell a word wrong, it's definitely a bad day! Thanks! :)

  8. I was thinking that about the croissants, too! I'm glad she was okay and it happened before the school was filled with kids. A little excitement in their school year!

  9. I know about that sort of chaos working in schools. I'm glad everyone's okay.

    1. It was chaos! You know, all the parents were complaining how it was handled when we picked up our kids, but I kept saying, if we were in charge, would we handle it any better? I think they did pretty good considering the situation!

  10. But it was bit fortunate that there was no any causalities being reported.

    1. Very fortunate. At least the school was not in session, yet. The before-school classes got out, and the other kids never entered. It could've been a lot worse!

  11. I'm not sure I would have let her out of the car. I would have decided it was time for a field trip to a museum.

    1. When you have a teacher opening your car door and instructing your kid to go somewhere, you just have to go with the flow.

  12. Yikes! So glad it turned out all right. Sheesh, no caffeine needed on a morning like that!

  13. i wouldve taken my kid home, how did they take attendance? how did they know who came to school? should've called it off as a "fire day!" too many bad possibilities, even tho it sounds like they had it under control... glad all is well now!

    and i've done the paper sandwiches before too... blech!

    1. They ended up marching over to the nearby high school, and we picked them up. I don't think anyone realized how bad it was when the drop-offs were happening.

  14. Wow, I'm not sure what I would have done. When faced with authority telling me to put kids in any kind of questionable situation we'll just say it hasn't been pretty... but then I'm kind of a rebel. So glad you and your daughter are both the level headed type!

    1. I knew they wouldn't tell the kids to go into the school. I think we were all thinking this was a minor thing that would be taken care of quickly. It wasn't. So the kids were taken to the nearby high school, and the parents all came and picked them up.
