Mama Diaries

Friday, July 4, 2014

Old Man Bubba

Yesterday, I saw a strange sight.  My nine-year-old son, Bubba was hobbling around with a cane.

"Dude," I said.  "What's up with the cane?"

"I bumped into something and hurt my leg," he replied.

"I'm sorry to hear that,"  I said. "But why do you need a cane?"

"Because I'm an old man.  Pretty soon I'll be ten, which means it'll take me longer to heal.  I'm not as young as I used to be!"

Happy Fourth of July to all of my American friends!


  1. lol he may want to keep that cane handy for use in another 20-30 years lol

  2. Bubba is planning ahead. lol.
    Happy Fourth of July!

  3. He has no idea what's really coming, does he?
    Happy Fourth, Sherry!

  4. Oh, my. What will he think when he turns 16? They grow up so fast. Wishing you and your family a wonderful and Happy Fourth of July.

    1. He'll be ancient and need a wheel chair by then! ;0)

      Hope you had a great 4th of July!

  5. Hahaha! Where does a 9 year old get those funny ideas from!? Such small things about kids make them so special. I bet you are one happy Mama on any day! Happy Fourth of July :)

    In India, on 15th August we say Happy Independence Day :)

    1. My son has all kinds of funny ideas!

      I'll have to try to remember to wish you a happy Independence day on the 15th.

  6. Tell him when he gets to 20 (like me) or 27 (like my boyfriend), he'll REALLY feel his age hahaha.

  7. Humans do start falling apart at an early age.
    Happy 4th to you too.

  8. Hahahah! Your son is just the best.

  9. Haha, so cute. I know you'll remind him he said that when he hits middle age someday!

  10. Bubba rocks. I too often attempt to impersonate an old man. Wish I had a cane.

  11. He always comes up with interesting things, doesn't he?
