Mama Diaries

Monday, August 17, 2015

How to Open a Bag of Chips

My teenage daughter and I were sitting at the kitchen table, eating lunch. We each had a bag of potato chips. When it was time to eat them, I opened mine very nicely by separating the top seal. It was neat, clean, and quiet.

Then there was my daughter. She placed the bag on the table, took the palm of her hand, and whacked the thing as hard as possible. It made a huge popping sound as chips spewed out the bottom, across the table.

"Really?" I asked.

She laughed. "Yes. That's how you open a bag of chips!"

I shook my head. "Did you not see my demonstration three seconds ago?"

"Mom, that's not how real people open their chips. Everybody smashes the bag. We do it all the time in school!"

"And do you get in trouble?"


"Then maybe you should try opening the bag like an imaginary person!"     

Now, for the Bubba question of the day:  Shady Dell Knight wanted to know if Bubba likes Bubba Burgers. (Yes, there is  a brand of hamburgers called, "Bubba Burgers.")  When I posed the question, he gave me a funny look. "No, I don't like Bubba Burgers!"

This shocked me. "Why?" I asked.

"Because I don't like things that are named after me!"

My reaction must've looked a little strange, because he busted out in a huge grin. "Of course I like Bubba Burgers. They're delectable!"

I have a couple more questions for Bubba. I'll give his answers in the next posts. If you have a question for Bubba, feel free to put it in the comment section.


  1. Who wants to eat smashed chips? Kids are just weird.
    Bubba had you going for a moment there, didn't he?

    1. Kids don't care. Chips are chips, whether they're broken or whole.

      Yes, Bubba did have me going. He's such a joker!

  2. haha Bubba tried to pull a fast one. Always fun to smash the bags open, I didn't care about eating the chips.

    1. I guess busting the bag is where all the fun is!

  3. Ha, smashed chips sounds like a fun thing to do to annoy other people. Smart kiddo you've got. Greetings!

    1. I'm sure the kids at my daughter's school have annoyed quite a few teachers!

  4. I remember that happening when I was in grade school. If it made a big mess, a janitor would hand over their broom and the kid would have to clean it up.

    1. I wonder if the kid who had to clean up ever pulled that trick again.

  5. I haven't heard of smashing a bag of chips to open it... I hope I don't ♡

    1. Only real people do it. As long as you stick to imaginary people, you'll be fine. ;)

  6. Oh goodness! I can just imagine flying potato chips. At least my nephews don't open them like that. haha

  7. Hi, dear Sherry! The story about your daughter's method of opening a bag of chips made me laugh. I admire people like her who do things their way and "let the chips fall where they may." Question for your daughter: Is she into Smashing Pumpkins? :)
    Another question for your daughter: Can she count on you when the chips are down? :)

    Thank you very much for using my Bubba question. He reminds me very much of myself when I was his age. He has a vivid imagination and a great sense of humor. He used the word "delectable" in his reply? An impressive vocabulary is one of the many benefits of having a writer/author for a mom. Tell him I am happy to know that he enjoys Bubba Burgers.

    Thank you again for including my Bubba question in your post, dear friend Sherry. Enjoy the rest of your day!

    1. Bubba did use the word, "delectable." It's been in his vocabulary since he was about five, and it's one of his favorite words. I'll send him your message.

      I like your questions for my daughter. Very witty!

  8. Smashed chips make me sad... Then you can't enjoy the whole chip. You have to eat chip chunks that get stuck in your teeth. :(

    1. Then you would not be one to smash your chip bag! (Neither would I!)

  9. yes, you can open it her way only if you're feeding Bootsie and Schultz

    1. Schultz was thrilled to get a few chip crumbs. Bootsy? He didn't care. He slept through the whole event.

  10. Can't say that it has ever crossed my mind to smash a bag of chips to get it open. Then again, some of those new bio-degradable semi-indestructible bags make the idea tempting...

    He called them delectable? Love it!

    1. He did call them delectable. He rather enjoys using that word.

      I agree - some chip bags are really hard to open!

  11. I've heard of people doing that, it's just messy and annoying. I like my chips as close to whole as possible, thank you! :)

    1. I like my chips as whole as possible, too. Crumbs are for the birds!

  12. I kind of like to explode chip bags, but then I like to blow off straw wrappers, too. These are leftovers from when I was eight and my mother wouldn't let me do any of the fun stuff.

  13. LOL. Count me in as someone who opens bags like an imaginary person. Never seen anyone open one like your daughter did!

    1. Personally, I think it's more of a middle-school crowd kind of thing to do.

  14. I can't remember if I've ever opened a bag of chips like that. I'm sure I have since I got deja vous reading this.

    To answer your question, I can revise a novel in 2 weeks if I'm on vacation or 5-7 weeks if I'm not on vacation.

  15. The things kids do... You could point out that when she does that, she gets chip crumbs rather than whole chips. Then again, that might be part of the appeal.

    1. Yes. I don't think she cares about chip crumbs. I think she just likes the shock appeal. ;0)

  16. When my husband brings home potato chips, when I've told him not to, I open chip like your daughter, but I also stomp on them.

    1. Haha! I can just imagine the mess stomping makes.

  17. Kids usually enjoy the popping sound of such edible things.

  18. I'm the adult here, but when I'm desperate I just insert a pen & rip open the bag. But, don't tell my kids!

  19. Smashed chips just don't sound too appealing. I don't blame Bubba for liking Bubba Burgers. They're good!

  20. We only smashed chips back in the 60s and 70s when we made potato chip tuna casserole--LOL! So very happy to see you pop by!! :):)
