Mama Diaries

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Crystal Collier and Timeless

Welcome Crystal Collier here today to share her new book!

In 1771, Alexia had everything: the man of her dreams, reconciliation with her father, even a child on the way. But she was never meant to stay. It broke her heart, but Alexia heeded destiny and traveled five hundred years back to stop the Soulless from becoming.

In the thirteenth century, the Holy Roman Church has ordered the Knights Templar to exterminate the Passionate, her bloodline. As Alexia fights this new threat—along with an unfathomable evil and her own heart—the Soulless genesis nears. But none of her hard-won battles may matter if she dies in childbirth before completing her mission.

Can Alexia escape her own clock?

BUY: Amazon | B&N

Author Interview

1. Did you start writing Moonless, thinking you were going to make a trilogy series, or did it just happen that way?

My first draft of Moonless (in 2002) was a novella. A historical love story about a woman defying society and her father. It wasn’t until the next draft it wrapped its fingers around one of my much older characters. That was the point at which I knew it was going to evolve, but the key to publishing is being open to follow success. If a book does well in the market, it deserves sequel—maybe more. Because of that, I wrote it as a standalone, but I had the beginnings of both a second and third book written, just waiting for the green light.

2. How long did it take you to write your latest book, Timeless?

To write it, or rewrite it? Or rewrite it again? This book suffered from baby syndrome. I was expecting while drafting, and all my creative powers were sucked into my baby girl. (Friends, don’t try this at home.) Welcome the no-sleep/newborn stage. The first, awful draft (45,000 words, 150 pages,) took about a year…after ripping out 30,000 words (about 90 pages) because the dual time stream was breaking my brain. (No exaggeration.) The next draft was six-week rewrite, then another major rewrite. Then 2.5 months of edits. Of the original 45,000 words, about 10,000 (30 pages) survived to the final draft. 1.5 years of work.

3. And since you are the "Cheese Lady," what's your favorite kind of cheese?

Who is my favorite child? Oh, you asked my favorite cheese. My question is easier. ;) No. I don’t have a “favorite”, but MANY.
Vanilla cheese (goes with anything): muenster, runner up is mild cheddar
Swiss variety: Jarlsberg
Italian: Provolone, followed by Romano
Savory: Feta
Comfort cheese: smoked gouda or Colby jack
Sweet cheese: Fontina
Fun cheese: squeaky cheese! (Cheddar cheese curds.)

Crystal Collier is an eclectic author who pens clean fantasy/sci-fi, historical, and romance stories with the occasional touch of humor, horror, or inspiration. She practices her brother-induced ninja skills while teaching children or madly typing about fantastic and impossible creatures. She has lived from coast to coast and now calls Florida home with her creative husband, four littles, and “friend” (a.k.a. the zombie locked in her closet). Secretly, she dreams of world domination and a bottomless supply of cheese.

(Email address is required for awarding prizes.)


  1. No one ever expects a trilogy, do they?
    I think all cheese is your favorite!

    1. LOL. It's true! (You know me so well, Alex.)

    2. I can't imagine there being a cheese that Crystal doesn't like!

  2. there is sweet cheese? Ewwwwww! Don't kill me...

    1. Well yes! You must have cheeses to pair with desserts and fruit.

    2. There are all kinds of cheeses - sweet ones, and stinky ones! ;)

  3. Hi, Sherry!

    Hi, Crystal!

    It is a pleasure to meet yet another writer friend here in Florida. I am shocked how few people possess a vivid imagination or, if they do, neglect to develop and exercise it. It is Crystal clear that this author's work is teeming with imagination and I admire her for it. I also appreciate writing that is laced with humor. I enjoyed reading Crystal's account of how long (1.5 years) and how much work (gazillion rewrites) it took to give birth to Timeless.

    Thank you for introducing Crystal and her new book, dear friend Sherry!

    1. Aw, thanks for the kind comments. Florida is the BEST climate for writers, eh? Been here 8 years and we're not going anywhere--that's for sure.

    2. Hi, Shady! You always have the nicest things to say. Crystal does have an amazing imagination, and so much talent for writing!

  4. Fun how things just go into a trilogy. Not many of the original words tend to make it, poor words lol

    1. I know, right?! Actually, there were less original words in my debut novel, so I count this a success.

    2. I feel very bad for chopped words. But it has to be done!

  5. It's fun to see a book turn into a trilogy or a series. Crystal, all those cheeses sound delicious.

  6. Great interview! It's fascinating to see how much Moonless evolved from its early days as a novella. I like how it ended up becoming a trilogy--just gave the rest of us more awesomeness to read, even if it meant more work for you, Crystal! :P

    1. LOL. I'm glad it evolved too. Now if I can just get the rest of the story universe written around it, it will be that much more awesome.

    2. I'm glad it became a trilogy. It's really a fascinating story!

  7. Ah, baby brain. Perhaps that's why more writers start older?

    1. Baby brain or old-timers. Take your pick? I think people start older mostly because they've got more experience to draw from--and they've been working at it for a long, LONG time. (And incidentally, I'm not THAT young.)

    2. I think Crystal is right. It's about experience. We just don't know what we're doing when we start. Hopefully, we all learn a few things along the way that make us better writers.

  8. Ok. That Wheel of Death was way too fun. haha. Also, I think I never realized that Timeless was part of a trilogy. I've seen the name and cover floating around but never gave it much thought. Might have to check it out. The later seems hit and miss for my own tastes overall, but maybe I'm wrong. Gonna have to check out Moonless.

    1. The Wheel of Death totally rocks! I tell you, my programmer/slave is epic. ;)

      You've seen my book around? That's so awesome. It's definitely got an ideal audience, and if it's not your taste, I totally get that. You won't find me reading a true crime story any time soon.

    2. Crystal has some pretty fancy computer coding going on here! Very cool stuff!

  9. So fun to see Crystal here today! I had no idea that the first draft of Moonless was actually a novella and then everything grew until there is now a series. Cool! I also hadn't heard of some of those cheeses. :)

    1. *waves at Jess* Be careful. If you let an idea percolate long enough, it just may take over your LIFE. ;)

      Okay, you so NEED to get out and go cheese tasting. These ones are a MUST.

    2. I think we should all go out for a cheese tasting party. That would rock!

  10. Congratulations to Crystal! She is everywhere online!

    1. Thanks, Nas. Haven't you heard? I'm taking over the internet. ;)

    2. I tell you what, this lady works hard! She deserves every bit of success she gets!

  11. Great post even if I am dismayed there is no mention of any 'stinky' cheeses. :-)

    1. LOL. Those are my hubby's favorites. I like them in the right circumstances, but just to eat? I prefer the stuff that is a little less of an acquired taste.

    2. I'm not a huge fan of blue cheese. But the rest are good!

  12. Yay for Crystal! I'm in the mood for some cheese now. :)

  13. It's always fun to read your posts! Another congrats to you, Crystal and I'll take some aged parmesan, please.

  14. Glad to see Timeless making its rounds on the blogosphere:)

    1. Yep, I bet there isn't one person in the blogosphere who hasn't seen it!

  15. I'm glad you found enough success with book 1 to continue with it! I didn't discover muenster cheese until I hit my thirties. Crazy, huh? I love it.

  16. So pleased your stories are being told, Crystal. Congratulations!! Have you tried Haloumi cheese (rubber cheese as my hubby calls it :))? I love it!

    1. Thanks, Nicola. Yes, I do believe I tried Haloumi. It clearly didn't make my top ten list though. ;)

    2. I've never even heard of that type of cheese!

  17. It's funny how rarely trilogies are planned from the start. For a second there I was thinking I have to try vanilla cheese, because I love ice cream!

    1. LOL. You might find some variety with vanilla bean in it. Beware!

    2. I was thinking vanilla cheese sounded kind of good, too. I'll have to find some of that and try it.

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