Mama Diaries

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Question of the Month and Chasing Deer

It's time for another (late) Question of the Month hosted by Michael D'Agostino. This month's question has to do with a first kiss. I can't remember the details of the question, because it's lost somewhere in my vast quantities of emails. All I'm going to say, is that I was thirteen years old when I had my first kiss, and it wasn't from my husband. That's more than you ever need to know.

Now for the story:

As you know, our German Shepherd, Schultz, likes to chase deer. There have been several stories here about him doing so. But there has never been a story about the Mama chasing deer. Yep. That's right. This crazy old lady decided to teach those oversized rodents a lesson.

Schultz was in the backyard barking his head off. I looked out the window to see what the problem was. A herd of about ten deer was casually grazing behind our fence. Schultz was doing his best to make them go away, but the deer, being the insolent lot they are, didn't care. It's like they were totally disrespecting the dog.

Disrespectful deer really tick me off. So I got on my shoes and jacket and went out into the yard. The rodents stopped momentarily to look at me, and then continued. I'm sure they thought they were perfectly safe. There's no way any creature on the other side of that gate could get to them.

They were wrong. I walked over to the gate, lifted the latch, and walked onto their side. You should've seen the look on their faces! They bolted toward the river. I followed. They stopped at the bank and looked back at me. "I see you," I said. "And I'm coming to get you!"

They knew I meant business. They ran through the river to the other side. Up the hill they went, until they were out of sight.

I think the deer and I have an understanding. No more disrespecting the dog. If they do, they have to deal with the Mama!

I have one more thing to say. I seem to be having some trouble commenting on some of your blogs. I can type my comment on your page, but there is no way for it to be published. Not sure what the problem is. For those of you who have Google sharing capabilities on your page, I've been sharing on Google and commenting there. If you don't have that, you won't be seeing any comments from me, even though I'm reading your posts. Just wanted to let you all know. Hopefully the problem will get fixed soon.   


  1. You taught them!
    I had issues this morning. I'd hit publish and it would say 'Bad error.' I finally gave up, but it seems to be working now.

    1. I'm not sure what's going on. I just got a new computer, so if it's on my end, the troubles should stop.

  2. haha showed those pesky deer. Blogger was being dumb for me yesterday.

    1. It seems a lot of people have been having trouble.

  3. I've been having Blogger issues too. They seem to be having a bad week.
    Good for you, showing those deer who's Mama - and kudos for being so brave.
    Have a lovely week.

    1. Thanks, Nicola! Hope you have a great week as well.

  4. oh, dear, hope there was no deer for dindins!
    The thing with comments happens from time to time on mostly all blogs, it goes away quickly.

    1. No. I don't eat Bambi. I just like to shake the deer up a bit- especially since they're the reason my dog has been barking and keeping me up at night.

  5. Hi, Sherry!

    Technically my first kiss was on the school playground when I was in first grade. I was not the one who initiated the kiss. It was a girl. Actually there were two or three girls in my grade who got their kicks by going around at recess kissing boys. They called it (or themselves) "kissing fever." I didn't like being kissed one little bit, but that attitude would change in the years that followed.

    It isn't clear to me what the problem was with having a herd of deer on the outside of your fence unless you are saying that they agitated Schultz and his barking was driving you crazy. I'm happy to know you simply chased the herd away instead of using deadly force.

    I am getting your comments on my blog AOK and I encourage you to keep visiting regularly. Your friendship and support are appreciated. Enjoy the rest of your week!

    1. You have to watch those girls. They can be a little forward.

      I wouldn't hurt a deer (intentionally). I just get tired of Schultz barking at them at all hours of the night and day.

  6. I had an issue commenting on someones blog too... it had an error, I will have to go back and try again...

    How cute that you take care of doggie chasing off the dear... I didn't know deer could be so difficult to get rid off... I thought they were skittish... apparently not xox

    1. The deer around my house are most definitely not skittish!

  7. I didn't realize deer were such an issue. But then again, we don't have them around here. Now, I do have some goose stories (those things are vicious).

    1. Yes. I've known a few pesky geese! We had a lot of them where I used to live.

  8. Good going Mama. Those deer will think twice before doing that again.

  9. Glad you didn't allow the deer to disrespect Shultz any further! Sorry you're having issues commenting. Hope you get it sorted out, Sherry. And it's good not to kiss and tell. LOL

  10. Diabetes Tipe 2 Beresiko Tingkatkan Telinga Berdengung Good article so thank you for post and i hope you viist my website.

  11. Ah! that first kiss, I remember it well.
    Great post Sherry, i have had probs with commenting on your blog for a while now but thought it was at my end. Hope it gets sorted soon.

    1. It seems that many have had problems commenting on blogs. Hopefully it will all get sorted out.

  12. Now that's something I wish I could have seen! LOL. Beware, deer. We have a Sherry!

    There's definitely been some wonky stuff going on since google implemented the https vs http sites. Here's hoping they get everything cleaned up SOON, because it's kinda driving me crazy too.

    1. I didn't know about the https vs. http. That would explain a lot of the problems.

  13. Glad you were able to let them know who the boss is and who the other boss is too. ;)

    Hoping the comments thing gets worked out. It can be so tricky when the comments don't go through!!!


  14. You were coming to get them, all right. Oh deer.

    HI Sherry.

    1. Hi Blue! Great to see you. That's right. I was coming to get them!

  15. Hahaha...I could actually see you standing there telling them off!

  16. Not gonna lie: I might have pulled out my bow and seen if I could have venison for dinner. I basically NEVER go hunting, but I can't argue with free to-your-door-delivery.

    1. I'm sure my dad would have liked a shot at them!

  17. You tell those deer! I bet Schultz had a new respect for you too. :) Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

    1. Schultz was impressed! Hope you have a great Thanksgiving as well!

  18. Haha! Disrespectful deer! Love that... :D

    1. I've never seen such insolence among a deer population!

  19. Great deer story! We don't have a dog anymore, but I do spend a lot of time keeping deer out of the garden. They are one determined group of herbivores and totally unafraid of the lady with a shovel raised overhead, screaming, "I'm gonna get you rats!" Anyway, we obviously share the deer patrol issue. Keep up the good work. Shultz is probably celebrating.

  20. You chased them a little different than I would have. I would have goofily had my camera out taking picture after picture. They would have finally ran away out of disgust.

    1. I don't mess with the photos. They need to be afraid of me. Very afraid! ;)

  21. Aged two (two and a half?) I grabbed the boy (an older man of 4) who lived a few doors down from my great-gran and told him I'd marry him when I grew up which I did .... n't.

    1. Haha! I wonder if he remembered that when he was older.

  22. No deer in my neighborhood unless it's my wife and she's a dear.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. Lucky you. We have to watch what we plant because of the deer. I always look for "deer resistant" plants.

  23. Oversized rodents. That is hilarious. We don't really have deer around here, not unless you go up into the mountains, so I guess I haven't seen their pesky side. Good to know that they're actually just big annoying jerks. :)

    1. You should come here. Then you'll see how pesky they are!

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