Mama Diaries

Friday, September 16, 2016

Question of the Month and Burning the House Down

I'm a little late this month for the Question of the Month. But hey, better late than never. Host, Michael Agostino's question is:  What kind of music speaks to you the most?

Classical. It's more complex than most of the popular music your hear on the radio. I actually get kind of annoyed with the same I, IV, V chord progressions that are used in popular music. (I know, if you're not a musician like me, you have no idea what I just said.) I've been known to turn off popular songs because they're too boring, musically. My brain likes complex things. And I really enjoy performing classical music, because in doing so, it evokes an emotional response. I feel music when I play. 

What kind of music speaks to you?

Now for the story.

My twelve-year-old son, Bubba, likes to cook. Yesterday, he decided he was going to make dinner. He began cooking. A short time later, I smelled something funny. I came downstairs and found the kitchen filled with smoke.

"What are you doing, Bubba?" I asked, opening the back door to let the smoke clear. "Trying to burn down the house?"

"No, Mama." He pointed to a box on the kitchen counter. Bubba Burgers. "I'm making Bubba Burgers. The directions said to fry them three minutes on each side."

"And did you?"

"Well, maybe one side was four minutes."

Uh huh. (In case you're wondering, Bubba said his Bubba Burger was delicious. I can't verify that, because I didn't try one. You'll just have to take his word for it.)


  1. I'm with you on enjoying classical music. It soothes me. Don't get me wrong, I still like classic rock 'n roll from the 70s, but if I'm in the car and don't have an audio book to listen to, it's classical music I turn to.

    Sounds like Bubba may need to try cooking his Bubba Burgers outside on the grill to save your kitchen. :)

    1. Yes, he definitely needs to do his cooking on the grill!

  2. I guess Bubba can burn his Bubba Burgers if he wants, huh?

    I had a feeling you'd say classical music. :)

    1. Yes, the burgers have his name on them, so he can do what he wants with them!

  3. I like Mason's comment about using the grill! Have a great weekend. :)

    1. Now that Bubba knows how to use a grill, that's probably a good idea.

  4. Trial and error. That's how I learned to cook, too--LOL! :)

    1. I think a lot of us have learned to cook that way.

  5. I like a number of kinds of music including classical. Probably my favorite is classic rock by groups like Yes, Emerson Lake and Palmer, Steely Dan and Pink Floyd.

  6. serves you right for leaving him in the kitchen alone :)

    1. I had no idea he was planning to cook. If I did, he wouldn't have been alone!

  7. I love everything from opera to U2, can't live without music:)

  8. The only kind of music that never speaks to me is rap. Country music isn't a favorite, either, and a little bit of that can go a long way. But I love classical, jazz, classic rock, and broadway music, and... well, just about everything but rap. At the moment, I am listening to a CD called "Endless Ocean." It is classical music, with background sounds of the surf. I never get tired of listening to it.

    Be happy Bubba has an interest in cooking. All our kids ever wanted to do was EAT it. :)

    1. I'm not a fan of rap or country, either. (Sorry to those of you who enjoy it.) I bet your "Endless Ocean" CD is really nice!

  9. Hi, Sherry!

    I'm happy to know that Bubba took Shady's advice and tried Bubba Burgers. He even made them himself (and almost burned the house down in the process. :) Forget about those soot covered walls. Did you taste those burgers? :)

    Your answer to the question of the month does not surprise me. The kind of music that speaks to me is music with a beat, the kind that invites me to shed my inhibitions and raise a little hell. It has been that way ever since the Shady Dell.

    Have a great weekend, Sherry!

    1. I can see from the music you typically post, that you like music with a strong beat.

      I did not try the Bubba Burgers. Maybe next time when there's not so much soot on the walls, I'll be a little braver.

  10. Well when you have a burger named after you, have to make them memorable lol

  11. I was a music major so I get it! It's why I like Muse so much... hahaha... they have SUCH a different way of creating music. They modulate chords differently. Soooooo not predictable. :)

  12. Replies
    1. He's my boy. The nurse named him, "Bubba" when he was born, because he was a big baby.

  13. I was brought up classically trained pianist, although I now enjoy more popular music I still love the music and genre of my childhood.

    1. There's a reason classical music is still around after all of these years.

  14. I do know what a I, IV, V chord progression is. And I'm not a musician. (Well, anymore. I did play oboe in school and took music theory in college. I guess that counts.)

  15. I LOVE classical music which is stimulating...but can also appreciate the I,IV,V chord progressions in popular music (though it can become monotonous...)

    1. Popular music can be meaningful if the lyrics speak to me.

  16. I agree, classical music is my first love as I studied classical music for many years.

    Glad Bubba didn't burn down the house and that he enjoyed his Bubba Burgers! 👍

  17. Glad to hear that Bubba cooks burgers!

    In one of my books, my 13 year old protagonist cooked chili on the stove and later grilled hamburgers. My editor said that a 13 year old could absolutely not use a grill, and she didn't think it was a good idea to have him use the stove either.

    I assured her that my own kids had been using the stove since they were 9. She did give way on that, but not the grill. Jax had to fry his burgers on the stove, just like Bubba.

    And with a similar result. :)

  18. Love classical music, too. Not sure if I have an outright favorite music genre, though, since different ones are able to speak to me, depending on my mental state...

    1. I think that your mental state can have a lot to do with what kind of music speaks to you.

  19. Oh my goodness Bubba, I have to watch Valentina too... she doesn't always understand not to cook things on too high ... xox

    I like classical music; however I love popular music... my brain must be wired for easier chords... lol

  20. Oh boy. The kitchen is a place for all kinds of hazardous stories. LOL.

    I like classical, but anything grates on my nerves after a while. Audio hypersensitivity. My favorite is film score type stuff. You often get the complexity of classics, but with the emotion of a "moment."

    1. I've recently played a lot of film score music. Interesting stuff!

  21. I love a variety of music and listen to whatever type appeals that day. I can't take a steady diet of anything.

    And as to diet. . . I hope Bubba's Burgers were delicious.

  22. I like classical music and lots of other types as well. I listen to anything that sounds good.

    1. Variety is good. I listen to a lot of different styles, too.

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