Mama Diaries

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

How to Keep Writing


Today's question is:  When the going gets tough writing the story, how do you keep yourself writing to the end? If you have not started the writing yet, why do you think that is and what do you think could help you find your groove and start?

I think this question is rather appropriate for writers and one I sometimes struggle with. Having just gone through a long bout of not doing much writing, I have discovered that the best thing for me is to plot out the story chapter by chapter. I am the world's worst pantser. Can't do it. I admire those who can. I had been trying to get through the last few chapters of the last book of the current series I'm working on. It should've been done in a month. But here we are, already halfway through the year, and I got maybe 5 pages written. So I thought about it. What's my problem here? And the problem was (besides not having much time), I didn't know what the end was or how to get there. I had been pantsing my way through it (which is not my normal procedure). So I took a few days to figure it out and write the outline for the end of the book. Low and behold, I just finished two chapters in 2 weeks. Holy mackerel kingfish! 

The other thing I have found helpful is to start a fresh project. Brainstorm, writing ideas down.  Or maybe pull out an ancient manuscript and breath new life into it. I'm actually doing that for a picture book manuscript as well. 

How would you answer this question?

Here's your Klaus picture of the month. He was very hot on his walk. He attempted to cool off under that bush. Not sure he was successful. (You can see he has 2 black spots on his tongue. Birthmarks. But we use them as gauges to tell how tired or hot he is. When you see both spots, he's super tired or super-hot. This is one hot dog!)

 One more thing:  I am having a lot of trouble with Blogger. I can't comment on most of your blogs, and even on my own, I can't respond to your comments. I don't know what the problem is, but it was like this last month, too. Want you to know I am reading your blogs and comments. Hopefully, it will get fixed soon!


  1. I'm discovering that I'm more of a panster than I thought I was. With my latest novel, I kept putting off some research and nailing down some facts regarding the ending. I didn't want to pause my writing to do it, but not knowing was slowing me down. (I laugh about it stubborn and dingy I was being.) Once I sacrificed a day to get it all figured out, my daily word count took off. I was writing over 1000 words many days, which is usually a rarity. In the future, I will figure out more of the details earlier in the process for sure. Hope you get your Blogger issue fixed.

    1. 1000 words a day is really impressive! Great job!

  2. You're not the only one having Blogger issues right now.
    No way I could write without an outline either.
    Poor Klaus!

    1. I've seen a few people having problems. I hope it gets cleared up soon!

  3. You found what works for you, so that's great. Stick with it. I'm a half and half. I'll outline the initial part, and I might even have an end in mind, but I'm not sure how I'm getting there until I write.

    1. Half and half is good, too. As long as the job gets done!

  4. You give solid advice here: "plot out the story chapter by chapter." It's not that I plot out every single chapter, Sherry. Most times, know where I'm going and what happens in the end. It's just getting there that can be tough. Like you, I am NOT a pantster.

    I LOVE Klaus's photo among the bright green leaves. All best to you, Sherry!

    1. I wonder what percentage of writers are plotters and what percentage are pantsers. It would be interesting to find out.

  5. I have to know where my story is going to write it. I plot the major plot points before I start and the other chapters as I go. Outlining a chapter I'm struggling with can help me get going.

    Sorry you're having trouble commenting. A lot of times the problem is blocking cookies, at least on my site.

    1. I don't think it's a cookies problem. But it sure is strange!

  6. "Holy Mackerel Kingfish," I love it! Also like the idea of Klaus having a built in thermometer. He's a great looking dog.

    1. I had a math teacher (calculus) who used to say, "holy mackerel kingfish." I thought it was hilarious!

  7. Hot dog! Poor puppy. My dog gets pretty tired too when it's hot out.

    I once thought I was a pantser, but that ended up with an incoherent story timeline. So I tried plotting, but I always end up deviating off into the bushes and never sticking to the plan. *sigh* Maybe that's why I still haven't finished my book 2.

    1. Writing is hard work. If it was easy, everyone would do it.

  8. What an fascinating insight into how you write. I'm not at all sure where I'd even know where to begin.

    1. Everybody has a process that works. Mine is certainly plotting.

  9. I'm at the opposite end of this writing business. Plotting drives me mad. As to the problems commenting...I've been having the same issue. :-(

    1. I'm sorry you're having a hard time, too. Not fun!

  10. Klaus is looking great!!
    I think that a writer must have some sort of outline... even the die-hard pantsers.
    Good luck with your writing!

    1. Thanks! Klaus is a handsome dog. It makes up for his craziness!

  11. I also breathed new life into an old story recently.

    1. It's nice when that happens!

  12. I think Blogger has been having some issues. Hopefully they have worked it all out. Today I have been having success commenting. :) I like outlines too- but when I am really struggling with writing I focus my creative juices on other creative pursuits (like painting/drawing etc). That usually helps me- but not always. ~Jess

    1. Glad you have been able to comment. I'm still having issues.

  13. I hate when Blogger is having problems. Sometimes Google offers help, but it's not always useful.
    I find over-plotting slows me down. To each their own.
    I wrote a humorous piece for the June WEP prompt.
    And I have my favorite book world narrowed down for the IWSG July prompt.
    July 03 is Plastic Bag Free Day, which hopes to eliminate single-use plastic bags.
    Over at Operation Awesome, our Pass or Pages query contest opens Monday with July's family saga genre. Know any writers who might want to enter?

    1. I think it's a Blogger issue. It's slightly better today, but definitely not the way it was.

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