Mama Diaries

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

IWSG August Post


I know. I'm seriously late with this. But I have a good excuse. I'm preparing to get married. That's on top of my already busy schedule. So, it's been kind of a whirlwind around here. Anyway, better late than never.

So, the question is, do I write to please other people, or do I write whatever I feel like writing? The answer is the latter. There are people who write whatever is trending at the time. Not me. I write whatever inspires me. The way I see it, if you're always jumping on the bandwagon, you get lost in the crowd. Maybe you'll be the next big thing. Maybe not. If I'm writing what I want to write, then chances are I'm enjoying it. And that's what it's all about. That's why we put all those hours in. To tell our stories.

Speaking of writing, I'm almost done with the last manuscript of the Bubba and Squirt series. I had to go on vacation to do it—at the beach. My muse works best there. Most people park themselves on a chaise and read a book. I write books. So much fun!  

Where do you write best? Do you write what people want or do your own thing?



                                                         View from my hotel balcony.