Mama Diaries

Thursday, January 4, 2024

Book Bub and book release announcement


Happy New Year, everyone! Hope you all have a happy, healthy, and productive 2024!  We'll start off with the IWSG question of the month:  Do I follow readers who follow me or just other authors on BookBub?

Honestly, I don't spend much time on BookBub. I visit when I have a new release, and I'll visit when I want to post a review, but that's about it. I do more following of people on AllAuthor. It's easy. As soon as I log in, there's a list of authors to follow, so I check just about everyone.

What about you?   Are you on BookBub? 

And here's my big announcement:  My book, Bubba and Squirt's City of Bones will be released on January 16th!  I'm super excited about it. It's the 3rd in the Bubba and Squirt series. 

If you'd like to follow along on my book tour and have a chance to win an autographed copy of the book and/or a $50 Amazon gift card, here's the schedule:

January 16 The Children's Book Review

January 17 Icefairy's Treasure Chest

January 18 The Momma Spot

January 19  Life is What it's called

January 22 Crafty Moms Share

January 23 Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers

January 24 Barbara Ann Mojica's Blog

January 25 A Blue Box Full of Books

January 26 One More Exclamation

February 5 The Fairview Review

February 6 Country Mamas With Kids

February 7 Twirling Book Princess

February 8 My Reading Getaway

February 9 Cover Lover Book Review


  1. Congratulations. Enjoy your book tour:-)

  2. The Bubba beat goes on! Good for him and you too.

  3. Congratulations, Sherry! You're off to a fabulous start in 2024!

  4. Congrats on your book release! I just signed up to be on your book tour. I'm looking forward to it.

  5. Congratulations and what a great day for a book release (My birthday!). I hadn't heard about Bookbub until everyone started talking about it this week, but I did sign up and I'll try to follow you, too.

    1. Happy belated Birthday! I hope it was a great one! I will see if I can look you up on BookBub and follow you, too.

  6. Congrats. I never even heard of allauthor

    1. It's a good marketing platform for generating buzz about your book. Plus they have some cool templates for creating memes of your books.

  7. great.... congratulation....
    Happy new year to you and yours...
