Mama Diaries

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

The Ugly Jug

The other day, my son came home from school with this fine piece of artwork:

"Dude," I said. "What is that thing?"

"An ugly jug," he said.

 It sure is!  I thought.  "You made it ugly on purpose?"

The boy nodded. "In African culture, ugly jugs scare away evil spirits."

Evil spirits. Interesting. "Do you think we have evil spirits here?" I asked.

Bubba looked around. "No. But I know where some are."

"Where?" I asked.

"At the house on the corner. The one that's been for sale for three years."

"How do you know there are evil spirits in it?"

"Everyone knows the place is haunted. Five people died there. Lights flicker on and off. Doors bang shut. It's why nobody wants to buy it."

I have heard a lot of rumors about the place, but I've never seen or heard anything myself. "So, you're going to bring your ugly jug over there, and scare away the ghosts?"

He nodded. "I'm going to sneak up on the porch and put it on the window ledge. It'll scare any ghost that sees it."

All right, then. This will be interesting. Do you think the ugly jug will scare away the ghosts, or do you think the ghosts will knock over the ugly jug and smash it to smithereens?    


  1. Hi, Sherry!

    Wow - this matches the story line of Murder House, season 1 of American Horror Story! :) Bubba made a very ugly jug. I don't know if it will scare the ghosts away, but I'm betting it will scare potential house buyers away. :)

    Bubba's idea reminds me of a man-on-the-street interview sketch recorded by the comedy team of Hudson and Landry. A farmer explains to the reporter that he grows buckwheat and radishes specifically to keep the wolverines off his land. When the reporter asks the farmer if he has a problem with wolverines, the farmer says something to the effect, "No, I ain't never seen one. See, it really really works!"

    Happy Wednesday, dear friend Sherry!

    1. I like your wolverine story, and your comment about scaring off the buyers. :)

      I'd be scared to buy the house if I saw that ugly jug sitting on the window ledge!

  2. Haha Bubba is cute... I think the jug will scare anyone off from buying it... hopefully some ghosts too :-) xox

    1. If it scares away the ghosts, I'm sure the owner of the house will be grateful!

  3. I think it just might scare everyone...

  4. Hmm, that's a dilemma for sure. The jug could scare more than the evil spirits. Bubba is cute to think of everything.
    People said the house I grew up in was haunted too, but we never saw ghosts or scary things. :)

    1. Interesting. Maybe the house wasn't haunted then. Or maybe you just had an ugly jug around that your didn't know about.

  5. It'd scare me. I would think a ghost would be a bit more hardy than that.

  6. How generous of Bubba! I say--go for it--and hope it works and the ghosts don't knock over the ugly jug. :)

    1. It would be a shame if his fine creation was destroyed by some evil spirits!

  7. I like the Ugly Jug and its Concept. Bubba really makes me think in a different yet Positive way.

  8. That is definitely quite a scary an ugly looking jug!

  9. Dear Sherry, today I nominated you for the Music and Words Award. You may view the post on SDMM. You are under no obligation to accept. Just let it serve as a reminder of how much I admire your musical ability and other talents and how much I cherish your friendship.

    1. Thank you so much, Shady. Hopefully it's still up at your site, and I'll be able to view it. You're a great blog buddy!

  10. LOL, Bubba better be careful. If that ugly jug works, those ghosts may decide to follow him home and haunt your guys' house instead! XD

  11. My mother teaches Africa to 7th graders. This seems like an interesting class project. I'll have to tell her about it!

    I hope your son's "ugly jug" makes it onto the window ledge and isn't broken.

  12. I hope putting the ugly jug at the house on the corner will make Bubba feel better! Hopefully it doesn't scare off potential buyers. :)

    1. I think the house itself scares off potential buyers. The ugly jug might be an improvement. ;-)

  13. Ugly or not, I'm in love with this jug! That's a fine piece of work. Enjoy your weekend, dear! xoxo

    1. Haha! Maybe I'll tell him to make another and send it to you. ;-)

  14. As long as nothing nasty escaping from the house on the corner and, of course, the jug makes its way over to your home.

  15. Well, I wouldn't want that thing in my house! It's terrifying. My bet's on the jug.

    Ugly Jug - 1
    Ghosts - 0

  16. ack! that is one ugly mug on that ugly jug! i hope it scares away the bad vibes on the house that wont sell, you could probably use its sale as a boost for your property value!

    happy monday!

    1. I want some commission on the sale of the house if the ugly jug works.

  17. What the jug lacks in beauty it makes up for in personality :)

  18. It sort of looks like a cow's head. It is scary. I'd keep it around.

  19. Haha! That might not be a bad thing.
