Mama Diaries

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Fancy Feast

I hate to admit it, but my cat has terrible table manners. He exhibited his rude behavior when my son tried to enjoy a picnic at the table on our outside deck.

As soon as Bubba sat down with his bowl of chicken soup and glass of milk, Bootsy the cat jumped up onto the table and began investigating. Apparently, Bootsy thought the soup smelled pretty good. He tried to stick his head in the bowl and take a few slurps.

My son would have none of that. He pushed the cat away. Undeterred, the cat tried again. And again, he was pushed away. After several attempts, Bootsy finally figured out that the soup was not for him.

So what did he do? He tried the milk. Or at least he tried to try the milk. Same thing. Bubba pushed him away. Finally, the cat gave up. He parked himself at a spot on the table and lay down on his back with his tummy facing up. Yes, the cat wanted a tummy rub.

"Bootsy," my son said. "You're not getting anything from me! No soup. No milk. No tummy rub."

So much for the fancy feast. Poor kitty!


  1. I'd say three strikes and Bootsy was out!

  2. methinks, Bootsy just protested for him drinking milk with a chicken soup? :)

    1. What's wrong with drinking milk with chicken soup? That works for me.

  3. Hi, Sherry!

    You and I are both experiencing problems today because this post of yours did not show up in my stream. I suspected that you might have a new post published and so I came looking for it.

    Bubba actually did Bootsy a favor by not allowing him to slurp the milk. I have read that cats shouldn't be given cow's milk because they tend to be lactose intolerant and it upsets their stomachs. Next time Bubba wants to have a picnic he should bring along a dish of kitty food so that Bootsy can join him for lunch w/o becoming a pest. :)

    Happy Tuesday, dear friend Sherry!

    1. Sorry to hear about your problems. My router was down. I'll try your videos, again.

      It wasn't dinner time for the cat, otherwise we would have given him his real fancy feast. My guess though, is that he probably would have still tried slurping Bubba's chicken soup.

  4. You want to know what my cats would do? Climb onto the table, get pushed away, jump back up, sit down, lift a leg, and starting licking. Talk about rude! haha

  5. Our cat thinks he has to at least taste what we're eating, especially if it includes cheese or pasta. So he has his own little plate we get out when we set the table. It has to be placed on the floor between our chairs before he'll touch it. Cats can be so funny. Sounds like Bubba knows how to handle Bootsy.

    1. Finicky cat! Sounds like your cat has lots of fancy feasts!

  6. LOL, gotta love Bootsy's determination!

    1. Bootsy is determined, but if it had been Schultz, our dog, he would still be trying. :)

  7. And yet Bootsy will get his revenge when Bubba goes to read a book or use a laptop and Bootsy plops right down on top of it and goes to sleep.

    1. That would make Bubba very angry! Bootsy wouldn't dare!

  8. Haha! Smart kid. Sounds like our cats, demanding little things.

    1. Yes they are. If I don't feed Bootsy exactly when it's time, he gets very upset with me and lets me know. :)

  9. I used to have one of those annoying cats that's only purpose to being on a table was to knock things off. Especially messy things. No fancy feast for him, either, ha ha.

  10. The cat gave up? Wow, you've trained him well. My brother's cats can't be convinced to not climb on the kitchen table, not matter what you do.

    1. Cats in general are not very trainable. They have minds of their own. Bootsy just decided it wasn't worth the effort to keep pestering.

  11. Sounds quite a character your cat, reminds me of my late cat Tabitha, always around when food was about. Although she was on a strict dry food diet as she was diabetic.

  12. I'm glad your cat is tame enough to listen and give up. The last time I had a couple of cats they were half feral. They could get really persistent about stealing food.

    1. Bootsy was a stray kitten. We saved his life. He was a mess, with roundworms, tapeworms, and fleas. Perhaps his gratitude makes him a little nicer than the average feral cat.

  13. Poor Bootsy couldn't get attention or food. Have to call Schultz for a double team haha

  14. You know, cats can be like kids. They want all the attention--all the time. All the best, Sherry.

  15. Cats don't like to be told no. Your Bootsy is more tolerant than most--LOL!

  16. Cats are so funny, they are all out for themselves... your kitty sounds like mine xox

  17. My cat wouldn't leave me alone if I had string beans on my plate. I finally just served him a portion while I ate. No peace otherwise.

  18. Poor Bootsy, my cats are always interested in my food too, they are always so curious!

    Raindrops of Sapphire

  19. Curiosity kil... Well, it didn't kill the cat here, but it probably made Bootsy pout! :)

    1. The milk probably would have made him sick, so it's a good thing he didn't get a taste!

  20. Bubba's got it right. Can't reward bad behavior with tummy rubs!
