Mama Diaries

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Hungry Boys

If you are friends with me on Facebook, you know that Bubba broke his arm on Friday. He was not a happy camper! His friends decided to come over our house and cheer him up. We're talking five teenaged boys. Naturally, we had to feed and entertain them. My husband ordered two large pizzas and two, two-liter bottles of Coke. The boys plowed through all of it in no time.

In the meantime, I had gone to the grocery store to do our weekly shopping. I came home and brought in the food-filled bags. It took several trips. On my last trip, I noticed all five boys digging through the bags. I also noticed five empty yogurt containers sitting on the counter.

"Did you just eat all the yogurt I bought?" I asked.

My son grinned. "Yes. And the blackberries. And the bananas. And the box of pita crackers!"



  1. Yes, I remember it well. Teen boys and food. Gone in sixty seconds. You might as well stock up on snacks especially for them. When I needed something to make a meal, I used a permanent marker to write on the package, DON'T EAT ME. But you didn't have a chance when you got home with the groceries.


    1. I've done the, "Don't Eat Me," thing. Nothing is safe in my house, though.

  2. Sorry he broke his arm!
    Teen boys are bottomless pits. Be thankful they didn't eat the paper bags as well.

  3. Sorry your son has borken his arm, as long as it don't break his spirits he'll be fine.
    Best wishes to all your family.

  4. Hi, Sherry!

    I'm not on FB and I am very sorry to find out that Bubba broke his arm. I hope he is on the mend and will be as good as new very soon.

    When I was a teenager my mother often accused me of "eating her out of house and home," borrowing a quote from Shakespeare's Henry IV Part II, 1597. There's no doubt about it. I had a hearty appetite. Throughout my teens, college years, 20s and 30s, I could eat as much as I wanted and never gained an ounce. In fact, I worried that I was too thin and drank powdered weight gainer supplements. I wish I had that youthful metabolism back! :)

    Thank you, dear friend Sherry, and tell Bubba I wish him a speedy and complete recovery!

    1. My boy certainly does like to eat! I can barely keep up with his appetite.

  5. Yikes! Those poor groceries didn't stand a chance... XD

  6. Sorry about your son's arm!

    I have two teenage girls, and they can pack away a lot of food, too, but nothing like boys. One of my daughters has a male friend who sometimes needs a safe place to stay and he knows he always has one here.

    One morning, for breakfast, he ate 6 pieces of fried chicken, half a bag of Doritos with a BOWLFUL of nacho cheese, and a quart of something optimistically called "orange drink."

    1. Wow! I was talking to another mom. She said her kid eats a who carton of eggs every day. That's crazy!

  7. Sorry to hear about Bubba's arm. Hope he's doing well. It's amazing how much teenage boys can eat at one time.

  8. Giving Schultz a run for his money. Hopefully the arm heals quickly.

  9. And they didn't even bother to help you unload! Although, at least you didn't have to put any of that away...

  10. It would have been better if they had helped bring in the groceries, then they would have earned a snack, but that's me. Teenagers in general are bottomless pits when it comes to food. . .sorry about your son's arm, hope it heals quickly.

    1. It would have been nice if they had helped with the groceries. Guess that wasn't on their minds.

  11. I am sorry to hear Bubba broke his arm... I haven't really been on FB lately... and yes boys can eat... wow

    Years ago I went to visit my sister and I saw how difficult a time she had in keep food in the house for my two nephews... it was than that I was grateful for having a girl... lol

  12. Sorry to hear about Bubba's broken arm. Hope he recovers fast. Yep, teenage boys are a hungry lot.

    1. He only has four weeks in the cast. That's not too bad.

  13. I see the broken arm has not affected your son's appetite. Boys have hollow legs, impossible to fill.

  14. OH my! You did very well to keep your cool. Hope the arm heals quickly!

    1. I've learned to expect anything, so very little upsets me.

  15. I am friends with you, but I missed that news. So sorry! I've been through a few broken bones with my kiddos, too. Ooh, and don't get me going about how much teenage boys can eat. Whoa... It's almost scary, isn't it?

  16. I sometimes wonder how my parents fed 5 boys, but then I remember Mom spending 300 to 500 a week--back in the 80's. Yup. That's how.

    1. I'm getting pretty close to that in grocery bills. How do you pay for food and save for college?

  17. Bubba and his friends are keeping up the teenage tradition. We always wondered what happened to all the stuff our sons ate when they were teenagers. We called it the hollow leg syndrome.

  18. Now that's a growth spurt for you! You might as well call COSTCO and have them bring in a truck load of produce and staples. You're in for some mega food gathering.

  19. My aunt used to tape a not to the container or package that said "poison" on it to keep her teenagers and husband from devouring whatever it was she needed to have around for more than a day--LOL!

  20. and growing boys!

  21. Teenagers have big appetites. They were probably just warming up. =)

  22. It's always a disaster whenever a big group of boys gather at my home. Sigh! Happy Mother's Day to you, Sherry! xoxo

    1. A lot of food is definitely a requirement for teenage boy visits.

  23. how sweet it looks when friends come to cheer their friend who is not feeling well ,teenage kids mostly avoid homely stuff but when they are together you can expect any thing form them dear

    1. I thought it was really nice of his buddies to come over and be supportive.

  24. Loving his orange cast.

    Picturing a whatever of locusts (what do you call a group of locusts? A swarm?) working their way through the weekly shop, I found this post very funny.

  25. Oy! for sure, Sherry! LOL That's teenage boys for you. :-)

  26. Fun post Sherry. Boys will be boys, eh!

  27. I'm sure his Momma will take good care of him :)
