Mama Diaries

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Dumb Ways to Die and a Book Giveaway

Yesterday, when my kids came home from school, they were singing the song,  "Dumb Ways to Die."  It's from a Metro video about train safety.  The thing has apparently gone viral, and everybody is singing it. I was surprised that my kids knew all the words.

"I saw it on my iPod," my daughter explained.

"How many times did you watch it?"

"About twenty."

In case you haven't seen it, here's the original version:

While you are hanging out here, watching this Saturday stupidity, I'm going to be over at Tracy Campbell's blog, answering questions about my two books, and giving some away.  If you have a minute, please stop by!

  (Actually, when you read this, I will probably be balancing precariously on a ladder, hanging Christmas lights on my roof.  Oh.  Wait a minute.  Is that a dumb way to die?  Maybe I'd better rethink that!)


  1. YAY for a book giveaway! I'm going over there :)

    That still image from the vid with the snake eating someone's face is amusing in a weird way. hahaha!

    It's cool for me to see my blogfest pic in your sidebar :) thank you! and I probably should have done that with my own sidebar. gosh I'm not on the ball!

    1. People are sure nuts, aren't they? Looking forward to the blogfest!

  2. Heading on over...

    Keep your feet steady on that ladder! :)

  3. hahahaha oh that is rather catchy, nice rhyming flow to it. Plenty of dumb ways to die.

    1. It's an ear worm. Now it will be stuck in your head for days!

  4. LOL! It is a catchy tune! (And thanks so much for commenting on my interview on each blog. You rock!)

    1. You're welcome! That was very cool that you were featured on so many blogs!

  5. I heard the song on Padded Cell Princess's blog, but her video had little blobs in place of people. The song is incredibly catchy.


    1. It'll be stuck in your head for a very, very long time! I saw the blob people video. I like this one better. Nothing like watching a guy try to beat up bears! LOL!

  6. I've never seen this before! Yeah, those are pretty dumb.

  7. I wonder if that bear clip was real?

  8. This was the first time I saw that video. Also stopped by Tracy's blog to read the interview.

    1. Thanks for visiting Tracy's blog! She's such a talented card designer!

  9. Hi Sherry,
    Thank you for my morning chuckle. Some people's kids are just plain old dumb. Loved the animation on the video.
    Thank you again, for agreeing to be interviewed on my blog yesterday.
    And thank you to Sherry's loyal followers for stopping by to comment. It was great to meet so many of you.
    Sherry, with so many wonderful comments to choose from, you'll have a tough time! :-D

    1. I"m so glad we had a great turnout. I'll leave it open one more day, and then I'll choose. Thanks for having me as a guest!

  10. My kids were singing that song today - it's awesome :)
