Mama Diaries

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Blocked Toilet

Didn't I just get a new five-star toilet for Mother's Day? Wasn't it supposed to end my daily plungings? Well, it didn't work! "Mama," my son called from the upstairs bathroom. "I blocked the toilet!" "Seriously?" I asked. That just couldn't be. I went upstairs to have a look. Yep. It was blocked. I sighed and went to get the shovel. The bad news about that toilet is that it's deeper than the previous one, which makes it harder not to get wet when you're digging (I know, such a pretty picture!). The good news, is that it plunges much easier. I told my husband that the five-star toilet was overrated. It couldn't handle my son's six-star dumps. He just laughed and said, "Happy Mother's Day!" Ha Ha. Next time he's doing the digging!


  1. Yes, next time your husband can dig! My, your son is like a prodigy on the toilet there. *LOL*

    1. He most certainly is a prodigy on the toilet!

  2. I agree--next time it should be your hubby's turn!

    1. I'll tell him you said so, if he gives me a hard time!

  3. Oh gosh, that is too funny! I'd be making the hubs do the digging!
