Mama Diaries

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Snacking on Stakes

Yes, I did spell that right. It's stakes. Not steaks. Who do you think might be snacking on stakes? Yep. You guessed it. My big old German Shepherd, Schultz. Today I planted my tomatoes and put in the stakes. The thought went through my head that my dumb dog would probably destroy those things, but I hoped I was wrong. Perhaps the fence around the garden would deter the hairy beast. No such luck. I let the dog out when I was done, and went about my business. Later, when I went out to pick up my kids from school, I noticed that something wasn't quite right. One of the tomato stakes was lopsided and in pieces. I walked over to take a closer look. Sure enough, that stupid dog had reached over the fence and grabbed a stake with his big teeth. That thing was bent and broken and riddled with teeth marks. I went in the house with the busted stake. "Schultz!" I bellowed. He cocked his head and looked at me. "Listen, dufus. This is a stake. Not a steak. No eating stakes!" He cocked his head the other way. He didn't get it. Apparently he needs to go to school to learn about homonyms.


  1. hahaha steak and stake are so easy to mix up though

    1. Yeah. I guess I was being a little too hard on him.

  2. LOL The poor confused doggie. ;)

  3. Ha ha, Perhaps he loves tomatoes. Don't they cause havoc at times. I would like to give you an award.

    Loved your post today. Thanks for sharing. Jenni x

    1. Yes. My dog has created more than his share of havoc!

  4. I bet he had a real blast with it... I stake my life on that! Haha.
