Mama Diaries

Friday, October 14, 2011

Cooking School

Apparently my daughter saw the sandwich concoction my son made yesterday.  She decided he needed a little help. 

"We're going to have cooking classes," she announced.  "They will be held every Thursday at 6:00 PM."


The first recipe in the class was frozen yogurt - with pears.  It's still in my freezer.

Here's the next recipe:

Cabbage roll:
Ingredients:  long pieces of cabbage, skinny carrots, onions, poppy seed dressing.
Steps:  1. Get a long piece of cabbage and slather it in the dressing.
2. Chop up onions, and carrots, and put them in the cabbage. (In an orderly fashion).
3.  Roll up cabbage
4.  Eat your snack

This was taken directly from her handbook (or cookbook, or whatever you want to call it.)

I think we'll all be top chefs by the time she's done with us.

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