Mama Diaries

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Mr. Fix-it

Picture this:  A seven-year-old kid wearing a striped t-shirt, glasses, a bicycle helmet, shorts, and black rubber boots arriving at your door with a big black tool box.  Then picture the kid asking you to fix something around your house.  That's exactly the way it was with my son today.

"Mama," he said in his get-up.  "I'm going to go around the neighborhood and fix people's broken things."

I took a good look at him.  "Oh, yeah?" I said.  "Maybe you should practice around here first."

He nodded.  "That's a good idea."  Then he went off to find some things to fix. 

A half hour later he came back inside.  "I walked all around our property.  I didn't find anything to fix.  But I found a red ant nest."

"Did you fix that?" I asked him.

"Mama, I'm a repair man, not an exterminator!"


  1. lol Seriously, you need to be trained for that!

    1. Yeah. I guess he knew better than to mess with ants without proper training!

  2. hahaha he sticks to his job description. Those ants can be scary.

    1. Yep. He had a run-in with them a few years ago. I think he learned his lesson!

  3. my 8 year old goes through that phase stil, every few months. He'll strap on the tool belt and ask me what needs ffixin' though he hasn't thought yet to go around the neighborhood.:))

  4. Haha! LOVE it! My son says the craziest things too!

  5. That's a smart kid you have there - he knows what not to tackle!
