Mama Diaries

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Defective Chickens

 Before I start my story, I want to let you know that I'm hanging out over at VS Grenier's blog, Indie and Debut Author Interviews.  If you'd like to know more about my book, That Mama is a Grouch, please stop by and visit!

Now for the story.

 I made dinner last night and had it cooking in the oven.  My husband walked into the kitchen.  "Woman, something doesn't smell right."

"It smells fine," I said.  Actually, I couldn't smell a thing because my nose was stuffed up from this wonderful cold I have.

He peeked in the oven.  "What are you cooking?  Defective chickens?"

"They're Cornish hens," I replied.

He made a face at me.  "They're defective chickens, and I'm sure they're going to poison me if I eat them."

I looked at the guy and shook my head.  "They're fine."

He didn't believe me.  "How long were they in the refrigerator thawing out?"

"Five days." 

"Five days?  Woman, those things are going to kill us!"

He went back into his office, and I sat at my computer thinking about what it would be like to die from eating defective Cornish hens.  I came to the conclusion that it probably would not be good.  So I got my coat on and went to the grocery store where I bought a roasted chicken - the regular kind - not Cornish or defective in any way. 

And the defective chickens?  Well, they made a little trip out to the garbage can, where they can be used to control the raccoon population.

Okay, one more fun little thing:   My blogger friend, Pat Hatt, wrote a cool little book featuring many of his blogger friends as characters, including yours truly.  The book is called, Tune at High Noon.

Guess who I am?  The duck!  Do you remember the surgery I had in December which made my lips look like a duck bill?  Well, dear Pat decided to immortalize the look.  That's what I get for opening my big mouth (or bill)!  I'll be remembered as a defective duck forever.  Thanks Pat!  



  1. Sounds like the chickens flew the coop (-:

    The duck is cool.

  2. Five days is too long to leave something defrosting in the fridge. And cornish game hens are small anyway. Hmmm. That's funny about your being immortalized in cartoon style. That doesn't happen to everyone.

  3. Those poor raccoons, first the have to deal with Schultz and now defective chickens haha and thanks for the shout too, forever a duck bill are you.

    1. I think the raccoons will go extinct in my neighborhood.

      Thanks for immortalizing my duck bill. It's beautiful! LOL!

  4. Yeah, I think eating defective chicken would have been . . . Well, not good. Good thing your husband didn't have a defective nose :)

    1. That's for sure. Otherwise I probably would be in the hospital right now, and not sitting here blogging. ;)

  5. I just threw out some defective chicken last week. :)

    How cool to be a character in the book—duck bill or not!

    1. It is pretty cool!

      And yes, you have to watch out for defective chickens!

  6. You were probably wise in going with the regular chicken. Don't want anyone dying of food poisoning!

  7. Good thing you threw them out. They sound like Cornish Gamey Hens.
    You're a duck? What a quack-up!

  8. I don't think five days is all that long to keep something in the refrigerator. I'm going to disagree with everyone and say they were fine. If you find a dead raccoon near the garbage can, then you can tell me I'm wrong.


  9. I saw that post and thought it was so sweet of Pat. I didn't know you were the duck! How funny. (:

    1. It is funny. Pat does some pretty thoughtful things!

  10. Hahaha, your post reminded me of one defective chicken that was in my fridge since we left from vacation.
