Mama Diaries

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Dirty Dog

We've had a lot of rain here in Cincinnati.  And I bet you can guess what that means.  Mud.  Lot's of it!

I made the huge mistake of letting our hundred pound German Shepherd outside, unsupervised.  I figured he'd just do his business, sniff around, and come back inside.  Wrong!  He found the biggest mud puddle and ran back and forth through that thing.  When he showed up at the back door, he was absolutely filthy.

"Schultz!"  I hollered.  He cocked his head and looked at me.  Then he let his big pink tongue roll out of his mouth and gave me a big doggy grin.

I just shook my head.

Schultz was so dirty, you couldn't even tell that he had red and tan fur.  He looked like a completely black dog.  I let him dry off in his crate before I hauled him upstairs for a bath.  Of course he just had to shake himself, plastering the walls with mud.

After I had gotten the water ready in the tub, I released him from his crate.  "Go have a bath," I said.

He charged upstairs, leaving behind a trail of muddy footprints all over the floor and carpet.  Then he jumped into the tub.  But he didn't stay there.  He jumped out and ran through the hall, leaving even muddier tracks. 

"Schultz, get in the tub!"  I yelled.

He shook more mud onto the walls and went back into the tub.  I quickly closed the door.

Do you know what it's like to wash a hundred pound male German Shepherd?  No?  Well, you probably don't want to know.   Let's just say, when I was finished, I needed a bath, because I was covered in mud!

After I had washed the creature, I surveyed the mess.  The tub was black.  The walls were covered with mud splashes, the toilet was covered with mud splashes.  And of course the walls and carpet were covered with mud.

Now, most of you know I'm in the process of trying to sell my house.  Does anybody out there want to buy my house which is now plastered with mud and dog hair?



  1. LOL he just wants to make the house looked lived in

  2. Well perhaps you could sell the house dog included.....or perhaps not. I'm sure he is adorable.


  3. Ugh. I can't even imagine having to bathe a dog that big. I love Pat's comment!

    1. It's unbelievable! The dog is almost bigger than me!

  4. LOL. I'm sorry! Our dog Bentley is only about 20 pounds and he can be a handful, so I couldn't imagine trying to bathe a 100 pound dog. Perhaps a big metal tub in the garage would make for a better dog bathing experience. : )

    1. Perhaps you are right. Then at least we could just hose the garage out.

  5. *LOL* Silly Schultz. Maybe you should advertise to dog lovers!

    1. I think that's exactly what we're going to have to do!

  6. I'm amazed that he obeys the command to get in the tub. We sold our house in Maryland very easily in spite of the dog hair and other evidence of animals in the house. I hope your sale goes as well.


    1. He loves baths (usually). And he's a very smart dog!

  7. Oh what a nightmare! Dogs or pre-teen boys, I don't know which one is harder to get into the tub. :)

  8. Haha,I can't imagine washing a huge dog and having mud all over the place. What an adventure :)

  9. Yikes! That must have been a nightmare to clean up...

  10. Ugh. I'm thinking maybe you could train him to tie a mop or broom to his tail and help out with the cleanup...

    1. I'm sure his big, bushy tail would make a perfect mop!

  11. Look at it this way, he's a happy dog, and a happy dog is a loved dog. :-)

  12. Love dogs--and he sounds like a happy fellow--and I can picture his silly darling muddy face because you've shown us pictures. But I can also picture the mud splatters and footprints everywhere. Cats don't require baths. LOL! ;)

    1. LOL! You don't have to walk them, either, carrying baggies of poop. Scooping smaller poops in private at your convenience is much less fuss. ;)

      But dogs taught me the meaning of unconditional love--so I shall always have a soft spot for them. Have a great weekend! :)

  13. Hi Sherry, I nominated you for the Sunshine Award. Please go to my blog; for more info.

  14. Fun for him, but not for you. That sounds like a lot of mud.

  15. I can imagine the smell after the bathing :)
    And Schultz is such an uber cool name for eine hund :)

    1. Ha! Ja, und das hund weiss nichts! Er ist ein dumkopf!
