Mama Diaries

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

One Smart Dog

It's time for another Schultz story.  In case you're new to this pad, Schultz is our hundred pound German Shepherd.  And he doesn't like taking his medicine.

We talked to the vet about this little situation, and the vet suggested that we coat the pill with peanut butter.  "He'll love it and think it's a treat," he said.

Okay.  So we disguised the pill in layers of peanut butter and plopped it down in front of the beast.  He gave it a quick sniff and started licking.  He licked until all the peanut butter was off.  All that remained was pill.  Then he walked away. 

"Schultz!" I said.  "Get over here and eat your pill!"

He gave me a look and kept walking. 

I picked up the slobbery thing.  "Schultz, come!"

He came, and I opened his ginormous mouth. I shoved the pill in and clamped the mouth shut with my hands.  When I thought he had swallowed it, I released him.

What did he do?  He hacked it right up and deposited it on the floor.


I picked up the absolutely disgusting blob of a pill and pried the dog's mouth open.  "EAT IT!" I shouted and shoved it in there.

I held that mouth closed for a full three minutes until I was sure it was well on its way to Schultz's tummy.

Can you believe it? What a completely ornery, obstinate, impossible creature!   


  1. LOL Stubborn Schultz! Have you tried putting it in a chunk of cheese? That sometimes works for us.

    1. I've done the chunk of cheese with our last dog, too. That trick really does work.

      Or crush the pill into the peanut butter.

    2. I've done pill pockets, but not cheese. I'll try that. Thanks!

  2. haha, i can still see schultz in the movies :)

  3. LOL yeah that peanut butter thing never works. I have to pin the cat down, pry open her mouth and throw it in, then sit on her for ten minutes, as she won't swallow it, I just make sure it dissolves.

  4. The Z-Boys do the same thing. I bought pill pockets at my vet's office. They are these meat-flavored things, round, but with an opening on one side. I put the pill in the opening, and squish the pill pocket around so it covers the pill completely. The Z-Boys love the pill pocket so much that they eat the pill inside. Life is easier with pill pockets.


  5. I worked as vet tech for three years when I was in school. I know those disgusting, regurgitated pill blobs well.

  6. Now be honest you wouldn't be without him. He just sounds a handful but adorable.


    1. Um. Right. LOL! Actually, we got him for my daughter. I'm not a big dog fan, myself.

  7. My cat thinks I'm trying to kill her. I'm sure she's way worse than Shultz.

    1. I feel bad for you! At least Schultz doesn't try clawing me!

  8. *LOL* Oh, Schultz. Dogs just know when a pill is hiding somewhere.

  9. To be honest, I do the same thing when I'm giving Spawn his vitamins...okay, that's a complete lie. :)

    1. Ha! And does he hack up his slobbery pill onto the floor?

  10. My dog is the exact same way. Cover it with peanut butter.....nope. Wrap it in cheese....nope. Stick it in one of those puppy pill pockets....effin' nope. Crack it open and sprinkle it on his food.....nope, nope, and nope. Put it (the PILL!!!) in his mouth and hold it shut....nope. What finally worked: I would "accidentally" spill some stew or other such gloppy food on the kitchen floor. Luckily, Canine Doofus would scarf it down without realizing a pill was in the middle of it.
    Made for a gawdawful mess, though.

    1. Okay. I'll try spilling some stew on the floor. Maybe that'll do the trick! LOL!

  11. But, there was no frikkin' way I was going to buy a box of doggie suppositories.

    1. OMG! I don't even know what to say to that, Al!

  12. I watched a vet shove down a pill inside a large dog once, it wasn't easy.

    1. Yeah. Not easy at all. Especially when you're dealing with big teeth!

  13. LOL! Dogs always seem to know when you're trying to trick 'em...

  14. Whenever we give Elliott medicine, we put it in cream cheese and he eats always looks for more. Maybe cream cheese would work better than peanut butter for Schultz. Let me know what happens if you decide to try it.
