Mama Diaries

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Bye Bye Fly!

We had a visitor in the house today.  Actually, we had quite a few visitors.  These were the six-legged variety, also known as fruit flies.  They must've hitched a ride on a banana from Venezuela or something.  The first one was kind of cute.  I named him Auzz.  Then I saw his buddy.  I named him Buzz.  Then there was Cuzz, and Duzz, and Euzz.  By the time I met Zuzz, I realized these little guys weren't just here for a visit.  They had brought their suitcases and were moving in.

"Hey," I said to my husband.  "We have a little problem here."  I showed him the army of fruit flies.

"Time to declare war!" he said.  Then he went back into his office.

What the heck? I thought.  I guess I was supposed the fight the varmints myself.  So I got out a can of Raid and sprayed.  Auzz and his friends took off.  I didn't see them for a while.  But a few hours later, there they were again.

"The problem is still here," I called to my husband.

He came out of his office.  He went to the cupboard and got out a bottle of apple cider vinegar.  Then he got out a glass, a ziplock bag, and a rubberband.  He poured the apple cider vinegar into the glass, covered it with the ziplock bag, rubber banded it to the glass, and poked a tiny hole in the center.  Then he walked back into his office and shut the door.

"This is your idea of a war?" I asked.

"Woman. I'm the expert."

I shook my head and went about my business.  An hour later I came back into the kitchen where the glass was placed and looked at it.  And guess what?  Auzz, Buzz, Cuzz, and Duzz were taking a swim in there.  And Euzz, Fuzz, and Guzz were hovering around, watching.

Pretty good.  So if you ever have little visitors of the fruit fly variety, go get yourself some apple cider vinegar, a ziplock bag, and a rubber band.  They'll be gone in no time.



  1. Great tip! I want those little guys far, far away. I'll try this the next time they decide to come over. :)

    1. Today, we used apple cider vinegar and dish washing soap. We caught even more with that concoction.

  2. My husband calls me "Woman" also. He did a good job in the great "War of the Fruit Flies."

    1. That's funny. Yes, my husband knows a lot about warfare. He's a former Navy man.

  3. Thanks for sharing that tip.

  4. I've heard so many uses for apple cider vinegar, but this one takes the cake, or the fruit fly...

    Sorry I never caught up on the chokky blogfest. What a blast! Thanks for visiting/following.

    1. I'm glad my husband discovered it.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  5. The many brilliant applications of apple cider vinegar grows!

    1. Or grow. I had to read that sentence twice to get the subject-verb complement straight in my head but I'm still not sure I have it! :D

      Yes. Grow, it is.

    2. Grow. You got it right the second time. LOL! I do the same thing - write something wrong, then go back and change it. You must be a writer!

  6. Thanks for the tip.

    I can't stand flies. I used to see them a lot in one apartment, but these days not so much.

    1. I dislike flies, too. I really do not like them in my house!

  7. hate fruit flies!
    i mean, where do they even come from?
    one day i had a few, the next like 50!
    i went Raid nuts

    1. They proliferate quickly, don't they? Raid didn't seem to do much to them, either.

  8. Awesome tip! Thanks for sharing!

    We do get tehm a lot in hotter seasons.


  9. I remember al fresco dining on the terrace being attacked by flies. Thanks for this tip.

    1. I guess you'd better bring a bottle of apple cider vinegar next time you do a little al fresco dining!

  10. Oh I'm having that same problem right now. They even got into my fridge! yuck! I'll try it.

  11. Yeah those little suckers just keep coming back, they amuse the cats at least.

    1. Ha! My cat wasn't amused. He just curled up in a corner and went to sleep.

  12. What a great tip...and a great hubby!

    1. He is a great hubby. I'm so glad I have him around!

  13. Clever man! Thanks for sharing the tip!

    1. I guess all that time he spends surfing on the internet has paid off!

  14. That's a good tip. I usually get a few every year. I'll have to try this.

  15. You tell a funny tale, Sherry. Didn't realize that apple cider vinegar holds a fatal attraction for fruit flies.

  16. Don't you just love husbands?! I'm glad you got rid of them!

  17. I take a little bowl of sherry vinegar, or red wine, or apple cider vinegar and add a few drops of dish soap. Mix it. Then I set it in my fruit bowl. Works great too!
