Mama Diaries

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Mama Can't Write

My son had a school project to do - something about "The History of Me."  He was to compile a bunch of pictures from each year of his life, and then write a sentence or two about them. 

Parents had an assignment, too.  They had to write a few special things that happened during each year.  This had to be completed on a worksheet.

Okay, fine, so the teacher gave me homework.  Not that I had time to do this, but I managed to squeeze it in.  I turned in my homework and patted myself on the back.

Today, that paper came home in my son's homework folder.

"Bubba," I said.  "Do you still need this?"

"Yeah, Mama," he said.  "The teacher says you need to do it again."


"She says it's sloppy, and I can't read it.  Plus you need to use complete sentences."


So, ladies and gentleman, here I am, the writer who just failed second grade penmanship and English.  Is that pathetic, or what?


  1. We all fail with the teachers. I did loads of "homework" and it was never good enough.


    1. Oh well. I guess you can't please everybody. LOL!

  2. Eek. This reminds me that I have something to give to my students tomorrow for their parents to fill out.

  3. Sherry, I'm having a good laugh.

    She gave the parent of the student homework and then ask that the parent do it right.

    That's a good teacher.

  4. Replies
    1. Exactly. Just you wait - this stuff is just around the corner for you!

  5. Funny! This sounds like something that would happen to me (-:

    1. Haha! I hope it doesn't. It wasn't fun redoing it!

  6. hahahahaha oh that shame, you will never live this down haha

    1. I know. Totally unbelievable! How could this happen? LOL!

  7. How funny, Sherry! Maybe the teacher had higher expectations knowing that she would be collecting the assignment from a writer...anyway, this was really cute.

    1. Haha! Little did she know I can't do anything right unless I'm attached to a computer!

  8. LOL! I'm sorry I'm laughing, but that is too cute.

    I always dreaded the first day of school homework the parents had to do. Filling out paperwork for each teacher. So many duplicate questions. I always thought I should just fill out one set of papers and then make copies for the other teachers. But then I'd have probably gotten notes sent back saying that I was "cheating."

    I do remember my son having to do similar "The History of Me" projects (3 different times) throughout the school years.

    Have a great day!

    1. Go ahead - laugh at me. I don't care. LOL! I thought it was pretty funny, too!

      I hope you have a great day as well!

  9. Parents really shouldn't be given homework. That's just not right, but it is a really cute story. :)

    1. Haha. Yeah, I agree. The projects are really cute, though. So, I guess if I have to do a little homework to have a nice momento of my child's life, I'll do it.

  10. LOL ... I am sorry I couldn't help myself :-)

  11. Hehe, Oh no..must be annoying to do it all over again.

    1. It was. But I did my absolute best printing job, and I wrote in complete sentences. I expect to get an A+ for it! LOL!

  12. How awful - not your contribution but the fact it was a homework assignment from a teacher and her mean comments. Maybe she should get a lesson on the importance of sentence fragments. (I hated school, can you tell? lol Nat'l Merit Scholar and graduated suma, and I still hate school.)
    You're very patient to have done it again. I guess it's for your little boy, not the teacher. That's a good reason. :-)

    1. Actually, the teacher is really nice! The comments were my son's interpretation of what she said. I'm sure I had to redo it, because me son couldn't think of how to formulate it into complete sentences. I'll have to work with him on that.
